Behind the Scenes at Sure Fit Designs
Coast to Coast & Beyond - The Sure Fit Designs Retreat is Almost Here
The countdown is on! In just one short week, we'll be gathering in Salem, Oregon for the Sure- Fit Designs Retreat and the excitement is building. I'm so excited to share that we're covering the full width of the U.S. - from New York & Pennsylvania all the way to Hawaii, and that's not all...we will be celebrating our international reach as we welcome 2 retreat attendees from Canada. Including our Sure-Fit Designs team, we will be representing four countries, including Elsabe Hurn from South Africa, Martha Schuster from Australia and Kym Wheeler from Canada. I could not be more honored to host this worldwide event.
The retreat isn't just about learning - it's about connecting, sharing and designing in a way that only Sure-Fit Designs can offer. All of you are part of a truly global community that loves to sew, fit and design with confidence.
This week is going to be incredibly busy as Martha is making the long journey from Australia, while Elsabe embarks on an incredible 30-hour trip. Kym will be hitting the road from Canada, while I'll be busy threading multiple sewing machines and attending to all the fine details to ensure that this event is truly memorable.
Though we'll truly miss Judith from the UK this time...she's been busy behind the scenes creating some exciting surprises for you coming this spring- and trust me when I say this...they're going to be so much fun!