Subject: "Hidden Survival Muscle" In Your Body

It’s kind of crazy...

This muscle RULES what ails most people…

This muscle RULES back pain.

This muscle RULES the belly bulge.

This muscle RULES leg strength.

This muscle RULES posture.

This muscle RULES hip flexibility.

I like to call it your body’s “linchpin muscle”. Now, normally…

You pull a linchpin and everything falls apart. But…

In this case, everything is ALREADY a mess, and most people don’t know their linchpin muscle is sitting there, on the floor, just waiting for them to slide it back into place so that everything can go back together.

Like I said, kind of crazy. Sounds a little fantastical, but with a society that sits WAY more than our ancestors did, it really should come as no surprise.

Anyway, everyone (myself included) needs to spend more time (really just a few short minutes a day) giving this linchpin muscle the tender loving care it deserves.

The rest of your body will thank you for it.

Here’s your link with instructions on how to do just that:

One muscle to rule them all: put your linchpin muscle back in place

Bet you already have an idea which muscle it is…


Have a great day!

Best Regards

Supercharge Your Body Team

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