Subject: Week two, woohoo! 😎

Adult Summer Reading News

Week two, woohoo!

With two weeks of summer reading behind us, we have 226 adult summer readers! And together we've read 447 books!

The prize cart is still full to bursting, although I just gave away the last Praline's Ice Cream coupon about five minutes ago. If you received an ice cream coupon, don't forget to pass along our thanks to Praline's! They've sponsored our summer reading program for as long as I can remember—and what says "summer" more than ice cream? 🍦

If you haven't signed up for this year's program, click here to get started. Questions? Concerns? Can't remember your account login info? Give us a call at 860-828-7126.

Log in or register to get started!

Looking to read more?

Me too... and I'm surrounded by books every day! If you're looking to boost your reading, here are a few of our best tips and tricks, collected from our own experiences as well as popular articles. Sources are listed below!

  • Start small. If you're struggling to commit to a full-length novel, try a book of short stories... or branch out into graphic novels!

  • Try a series. Getting to know a whole new cast of characters can be tiring. If short stories aren't your thing, try investing in a series that lets you follow the same characters through different adventures.

  • Stop reading. That book you started a month ago, but just can't seem to finish? It's okay to give up—that's what DNF (did not finish) lists are for. Find something new and interesting. You can always come back to a DNF book later... or not.

  • Browse the shelves. I find so many excellent reads simply by browsing the shelves and picking up whatever looks intriguing. Consider this permission to judge a book by its cover!

  • Track your reading. We've provided a small reading log for the summer, but you can also look into long-term tracking methods. For the tech lovers out there, we recommend Goodreads (don't forget to friend us!) If you prefer paper, we have reading journals in the prize cart—or if you're feeling crafty, you can design your own, like this one from Upside-Down Books.

  • Try ebooks. If you're out of the house a lot, it can be hard to bring a book along for the ride. Our ebook services let you download books right to your phone, so you always have a book on hand!

  • Try audiobooks. Audiobooks don't just boost your reading—they can make chores a lot more fun, too. Next time you're folding laundry, doing dishes, or scrubbing the tub, try listening to an audiobook. You'll be surprised how much easier chores become when you're armchair travelling or solving a murder mystery!

  • Try a new genre. I have a long history of rolling my eyes at romance novels... but when one came across my desk needing a new label, I gave it a chance. Now it's one of my favorite books to recommend to friends!

I recently broke a long reading dry spell thanks to a combination of these tips, starting with a short fantasy novella and then an addictive eight-book series!

Looking for more tips? Check out these articles!

Here's how to set your reading goals and read more books in 2024 (NPR)

How to read more: Advice from authors, experts and readers (Today)

8 Ways to Read More Books—And Why You Should (TIME)

How to Read More (WikiHow)


Taking first place this week is miscinky, followed closely by ntine10 in second place. TheRantingGnome is in third—great name, by the way! SarahD22 and shariMK are tied for fourth place. In fifth place, we have a five-way tie between ctaylor, pearlmsqueaks, Angel, Beau0215, and Beth. Great job, everyone!

These numbers were collected on Wednesday afternoon, so there may be more up-to-date information on the summer reading website!

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