Subject: Friend, see what's new for 2023!


The world has gone through a lot of changes the past couple of years. With inflation and shortages, our production, printing, paper, and postage costs have skyrocketed.  As a result, we have to raise our prices, but instead of just raising our price, we have decided to add value to more than compensate for this additional cost to you.

Introducing, the new Success Choice System:

We are multifaceted people. Besides our work, whether inside or outside the home, we have other responsibilities and interests. These responsibilities and interests may include your home, yard and garden, family, cooking, exercise, hobbies, education, and more. On top of this, many feel called by a purpose and to make a difference in the lives of others.

You need a system that supports your full life.

The Success Choice System can help you lead a more fulfilling and more joyful life.

This system isn’t just about helping you get more done and fitting more into your day. This system is about helping you get the right things done, experiencing more peace, joy, and fulfillment.

In the world today, we are bombarded with other people’s priorities. Social media is full of their stories. We see their travel, home renovations, their children’s activities, their stylish outfits, new cars, and their world views. We can get pulled this way and that and start to measure ourselves against some perceived need or ideal.

Theodore Roosevelt’s famous statement is all too true, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

You need a system to help you gain clarity around what is most important in your life. Obviously, we can’t be all things to all people, and we can’t do and have everything.

The new Success Choice System has quarterly trainings that help you to get clear about what is most important so you can filter what comes at you through that clarity. The trainings help you set meaningful goals, overcome roadblocks, and evaluate your progress so you experience more growth and satisfaction both in your personal and professional lives.

Instead of looking sideways at what others are doing, or backwards dwelling on past regrets. Look inward and forward with clarity. You are only measuring yourself with yourself, being happy where you are now, appreciating all that is good in your life, while simultaneously improving yourself and your world.

Again, it’s not about cramming more into your life, it’s about becoming your best self and experiencing more peace, joy, and fulfillment.

By the very fact you are looking into the Success Choice System, chances are, you are a high achiever. But did you know that high achievers can be very hard on themselves? They often measure themselves against an unrealistic ideal. Often, their worth is tied to what they are accomplishing. Often when they accomplish something, they are already on to the next thing without really celebrating their accomplishment. This can lead to feeling unfulfilled.

With the Success Choice System, you regularly evaluate your successes as well as your lessons learned in your End of Week Review, Monthly Log, and End of Year Review. This helps create confidence and growth. No experience is wasted that you learn from.

Another common tendency of high achievers is to not take the necessary time for self-care. We may feel guilty taking time for ourselves. The Success Choice System’s “Health Tracker” helps you better take care of you.

These are just a few of the tools and benefits of The Success Choice System.

With the Success Choice System Year, you will get a full year set of The Success Choice Planner. You can choose from the spiral, unpunched, 7-hole punched, or disc punched. You will also get one training course each quarter to help you better use the planner, achieve your goals, and become your best self.

You will also get a few surprise bonuses throughout the year.

If you buy a single quarter Success Choice Planner, you will get one quarter Success Choice Planner and the training course for that quarter.

I am excited for this new year and new system!

