It's time for the fall Success Choice Challenge Course!
The course begins immediately with "The ABC's of Creating Success Habits." This course helps you gain clarity around what you truly value.
Learning who you are, what you are capable of is a life-long process. Self-understanding comes slowly through your intentional awareness. Discovering and acting on your truths helps you improve yourself and your world.
The Success Choice Challenge course begins in October. In this course, we help you choose 1-3 personal and/or professional goals or projects that really matter to complete over the 12 weeks.
Beginning on October 5, you will get a video each week along with a workbook assignment in your email with tools and help to complete your goals.
As a special gift you can watch the first video from "The ABC's of Creating Success Habits" course for free. HERE
On top of that you can get additional savings when you watch the video.
Enjoy! Pamela