Subject: Friend, in case you missed the date change...


Just in case you missed the date change, our vision workshop will be Friday 3/24/23.

Watch your email for how to join.

You will learn some surprisingly simple steps to get unstuck and out of overwhelm.

The world has never needed you to step up and own your power more than it does today.

Each and every person has unique gifts that they can use to improve their world - whether the world they improve is themself, their family, their community, or the globe.

I know you are busy, but if you are willing to invest just 60 minutes of your precious lunchtime on Friday, then I promise teach you about some tools and strategies that can help you get out of overwhelm and into a vision that inspires you.

My goal is for you to leave the class with some tools in hand and motivated to own your power with your unique vision and strategies to move forward.

Pack a lunch on Friday, and let's make this a working lunch.

See you there!
