Subject: Friend, help me celebrate my birthday!


Today is my birthday, and I am passing along savings to you.

You can save 20% with the coupon code birthday24 until 2/5/23. Order HERE!

If you are part of The Success Choice System, you should have received your Q1 training. If you haven't seen it, check your spam folder. If you still don't see it, email us at and let us know.

We have some fun things planned this year in The Success Choice System.

The focus this year is "Create." Create your best life with The Success Choice System.

I would like to encourage you to embrace your creativity this year. You may think you are not creative, but you don't have to be an artist or musician to be creative.

Try a new recipe, change up your decor, sign up for a class, doodle in your Choosing Joy in the Journey Journal, plan a garden.

If you are thinking of trying a garden this year, now is the time to plan it. Watch this video for some tips.

