Subject: Friend, I see what's happening here . . .


I see what’s happening here.

Your days are full with your job, running kids around, taking care of all the needs of your home, yard, and the people in your life.

How can you possibly fit in time for yourself?

Does working on your own goals and projects seem like a luxury you don’t have time for?

Something you may not have fully understood is that as the cliché goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

I have a client who wanted to spend time developing a desired skill, but she felt supremely guilty at the thought of taking a class once a week when there were still things at home that needed to get done.

Happily, her husband encouraged her to take the class, and she loved it. She was so passionate about this new endeavor that she was happier and more productive at home.

She found ways to be more efficient with her work to fit in the time to work on her passion. She hadn’t realized that she had fallen into a depression of sorts until that depression lifted.

It’s time to start a new quarter and to recommit to your goals.

Yes, the year is half over, but we still have a half year to go. It’s not too late to achieve the goals you set at the beginning of the year.

The goals you set at the beginning of the year you set for a reason. Don't abandon them. You just need some clarity of focus and help working through your roadblocks.

I know you are busy, but you deserve to spend some time on yourself. Not only do you benefit, but those around you benefit as well.

The Success Choice Planner Midyear Goal Planning course is designed to help you get back on track and to refill that cup.

What is the right goal to work on now? Why keep failing at the same goal over and over?

Often times we can be our biggest critic and the one who holds ourselves back. This training helps you look at why you do this and what to do about it.

Stop holding yourself back from reaching your potential.

Sign up for the Success Choice Planner’s 3rd Quarter Midyear Goal Planning course today.

It’s normally $59, but it is on sale for $33. It even comes with a free 3rd Quarter Success Choice Planner that you can use or pass along to someone else.

If you live in the US, you will get a spiral planner unless you note something else in the comments when purchasing. (You can choose between spiral, 7-hole punched, un-punched, disc punched, or PDF. Note, if you live outside the US, you will get a PDF version.)

Don’t wait another day to get back on track.

Register TODAY!


This month's focus in The Success Choice Planner is "Be Self-reliant."

Watch this free video on how you can become more prepared and more self-reliant.

