Subject: Here is your Success Choice System Q2 training and information on our new Community!


Here is your Q2 Success Choice System Training!

Before we jump into the Growth Plan Training, I want to remind you about the NEW Success Choice Life Community.

Introducing the NEW Success Choice Life Community

You should have gotten an email about the new Success Choice Life Community, but in case you missed it, I wanted to let you know that this new community is included with your Success Choice System at no additional charge for you.

This will be a great place to connect with like-minded people and to get motivation and support.

There are:

"Circles" with various conversation threads.

"Challenges" to help motivate you to action.

"Meetups" with masterclass trainings and more.

You should have received an email with "You've been granted access to 2024 Success Choice Life Community" in the subject line.

 When you open the email, there is a button to log in.

When you log in to the community, watch the welcome video and introduce yourself in the "Introduce Yourself" circle.

If you missed the "Create Purpose and Balance Masterclass," on the left side of the screen, there are "circles." The top circle says "Masterclass Replay." The replay is there. 

This is what one participant had to say about the Masterclass:

"This was SUCH a great class! So insightful with real strategies to use immediately and long term. I love the Success Choice System and am so excited for the new online community Pamela has created to support others’ success." - Emily A. Houston Texas

Welcome to the Success Choice System's Growth Plan Training!

In this training, you will learn about 3 common obstacles to growth and how to overcome them.

You will pinpoint the most impactful area of improvement so you can create a plan that works and improves your life.

You will identify the limiting habits that are holding you back.

You will create a success statement and initial growth plan.

I will walk you though all 3 steps of the growth plan so you will have the best chance of obtaining your desired end results.

As an added bonus, I will teach you some additional tips to overcome overwhelm and get unstuck.

If that sounds good to you, let's get started!

Print Growth Plan PDF HERE.

Print Year Goal Planning PDF HERE.

Growth Plan Training Video 1

We are happiest when we are growing and improving.

Spring is a natural time to think about growth and renewal as we see the world coming to life after a dormant winter.

In this video we will talk about the first two common obstacles to growth, and we will start working on the growth plan.

Growth Plan Training Video 2

In this video we talk about the third obstacle to growth and continue to fill out growth plan.

Growth Plan Training Video 3

Instead of listening to your limiting habits, it's more helpful to:

  • Decide on who you want to be

  • Write down the attributes

  • Repeat them

  • Create your plan

  • Act on that plan

The more you act on your plan, the more proof you gather that it's possible.

In this video, we complete your growth plan.

Good luck in completing your Growth Plan, and I can't wait to see you in the community.

