Subject: Happy HolidaysFriend!


We would like to wish you a happy holiday season!

The holidays can be a hectic time. Remember to take some time out for yourself.

  • Look at one of your favorite magazines

  • Read a book

  • Doodle

  • Write a poem

  • Take a bath

  • Go for a walk

  • Or whatever renews you

Also, if you haven't already done your Year End Review, it would be great to schedule in some time to do that. It is so beneficial to reflect on the past year before moving forward with a new year.

If you have the current Success Choice System and didn't receive your Year End Review training, send an email to

If you don't have your 2024 Success Choice Planner yet, it's not too late! You can even save 15% until January 3, 2024 with the coupon code: newyear24.

Again, Happy Holidays!

The Success Choice Team