Subject: Friend, what stories are you telling yourself?

Friend, what stories are you telling yourself?

Since we are beginning a new year, it's natural to do some self-reflection as you aspire for a better year.  One thing to look at is the stories you are telling yourself.  Are you holding yourself back from reaching your full potential?

A few years ago I wrote an article for the newspaper called "Change your story, change your life." You might find it helpful in discovering ways to stop the limiting stories you are telling yourself and to live a more joyful life.

The article begins:

Early American Politician Horace Mann is known for saying, “If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it.” What if that idiot is you? OK, you’re not an idiot, but likely you are telling yourself stories that are limiting you.

How do you come by these stories? As it turns out, life happens. You might struggle in a class at school, then tell yourself you aren’t smart. Maybe your boss yells at you, so you determine you aren’t cut out for business.

Throughout your life, you go through various experiences. You have successes and failures; and people in your life, like parents, teachers, bosses and peers say and do things that shape the stories you tell about yourself. The stories may or may not be true, but if you tell them enough, you end up believing them. These beliefs can keep you from reaching your full potential.

So, how can you stop the limiting stories and live a more joyful life?

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