Subject: Friend - What can routines can do for you?


A few days ago, when my alarm went off I was still tired, and it was a cold, winter day.

I had the fleeting thought to roll over, pull the covers up and go back to sleep. But instead, I drug myself out of bed, threw on my workout clothes and went through my morning routine of making my green drink, feeding my animals, doing my morning meditation, then heading out to my workout class.

It was freezing out, and the roads were quite icy. As I was walking into class, several other women were going in at the same time. We were all dragging a bit and it was obviously a struggle for all of us to be there on that cold morning.

One woman said, "here's to the power of routine."

The music started, and 5 minutes into the class we were invigorated and glad we came. We all left refreshed and energized.

Routines are so powerful! As you work on Owning Your Power this year, what routines could you set up for yourself that would take you closer to your ideals or help you in accomplishing one of your goals?

The two times of the day that you have the most power over your schedule is when you first get up in the morning, and right before you go to bed. What could you add to your morning and/or evening routine that would help you Own Your Power?

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