Subject: These 24 people should be under you! What, you don't like money?

Hope you're enjoying your fantastic Friday, my friend!

The 24 people that joined yesterday (some of them
personally sponsored by brand new newbies)
should be on your team ...

... but they're not!

(Make sure you read this email 
ALL the way through.)

Here's a quick snap shot:

Please pay close attention to 
what I am about to tell you.

Our new Uniline places all of
my new members under you 
IF you're positioned...

but not only my new members, 
even the new sign ups of other 
people above you!

I know this may not make a lot
of sense and I have a great video
that my good friend and fellow Team
Consistency Leader Jon put together
to help explain!

Watch the video here:

This video will break down the
power of the Uniline structure
and how we ALL benefit from 
each other!

I promise you've never seen any-
thing like this!

Watch the Uniline video here <<

Now, if you're ready to lock in 
your position simply get started
now here

Talk more soon!

Kassandra Keeton

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Important Legal Information Regarding This Email

Folks - obviously, the income examples shown are
extraordinary.The income claims presented are not
intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead,
they're designed to give you an idea of what's possible
 - see our income disclaimer here


Also, if you end up buying anything from these emails
someone will most likely earn a commission, which
you probably know because you understand business.
However, we like our subscribers to be fully informed
when using our products. We appreciate your business
and support.
Success Formula, 19002 Dallas Pkwy Suite 232, Dallas, TX 75287, United States
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