Subject: Hey - have a fantastic week!

Friend, I am writing you to let you
know I hope you have an incredible week!

It's Monday morning for me, and while
most people hate Mondays, I actually
love them! It's a new day, new start,
and a chance to rework things if your
last week didn't go as planned.

Just remember - while you may come
against obstacles that appear to be
impossible ... Remember that there is
no such thing!

How do you eat an elephant?
A bite at a time.

Remember the slight edge - every little
thing stacked on top of each other allows
for you to overcome any challenge.

Remember - you MUST stay consistent,
even through the holidays.

This is usually when people fall off, make
"resolutions" but not commitments to
change, and so much more that they
never achieve ...

Don't be that guy (or gal).

Yours in agape love,
Kassandra Keeton


PS:  I want to help you build your dream online
so you can achieve the kind freedom
you know you deserve. So I have to ask ...

You are ready to get started with someone
who cares about your future, aren't you?

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