Subject: [Confirmation Required] Your Position in the Uni-Line

This prediction came true...

THOUSANDS of people piled in
over the past week, and at midnight
this past Saturday Night...

Everyone converged into one single
Uni-Line, based on when they joined,
and which products they purchased. 

And while most people were having
fun trick or treating with their kids,
partying downtown, or doing
something other than sitting in
front of their computers...

627 people joined the VISION [on
Saturday alone], that has already
changed thousands of people's lives
around the World. 

Imagine for a second - that YOU
could be one of those people. 

Work for yourself. 

Own your own business. 

Set your own schedule. 

Work when you want to - and not
when you have to. 

And write your own paycheck, 
based on your value to the market, 
and how productive you become. 

Imagine, getting started, and having
people who've come before you, and
everyone who comes after you, place
people BELOW you - helping you 
build your business. 

If you haven't joined yet, you can
confirm your position in the Unline
right now - we are just getting started. 

THOUSANDS will join again this

Think about it. 

You could secure a position above
thousands of people who join after

And while we teach you how to 
become a recruiting machine...

Other recruiting machines already
in place, are going to be placing
their new members, on YOUR team. 

All you have to do is discover the
same recruiting & sponsoring secrets
that we've taught them, and you could
get paid on all those people placed
below you. 

So, what do you do next, before
all these NEW people join?

Watch this video to get up to speed
on who we are, what we do, and
how you can do it too. 

Or, if you've already watched it... 

Get started here

Tonight we are going to have a 
LIVE Conference Call with the two
VISIONARIES who have combined
over 180,000,000 in sales commissions
paid out to our Team in only the past
4 years. 

It's at 9 pm Eastern Time. 

I'll send you the number later on. 

Watch for my email. 

Also, I'll be sending out a Members
Update later on today, so watch
for that in your Inbox. 

The momentum is off the chain right now. 

Don't miss being in the right place at the 
right time - again. 

I'll contact you after I see you get on board
to set up a time to do a New Member Game
Plan Call. 

Watch this and let's do this thing!

~ To Your Success ~

Kassandra Keeton
(469) 759-0267
>> leave a message if you miss me <<

Connect With Me!

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be sure to connect with me through my blog
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To ensure that the email we send you ends up in your
inbox, and isn't mistakenly sent to the junk folder, please
whitelist my domain:

Not sure how? Then CLICK HERE!!!

Important Legal Information Regarding This Email

Folks - obviously, the income examples shown are
extraordinary.The income claims presented are not
intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead,
they're designed to give you an idea of what's possible
 - see our income disclaimer here


Also, if you end up buying anything from these emails
someone will most likely earn a commission, which
you probably know because you understand business.
However, we like our subscribers to be fully informed
when using our products. We appreciate your business
and support.
Success Formula, 19002 Dallas Pkwy Suite 232, Dallas, TX 75287, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.