Subject: [LIVE in 31] Complimentary Training - details inside

Good morning!

This is a quick reminder that our Team
Only Mastermind
Hangout starts in
about 30 minutes
at 11am eastern
(New York time).

These hangouts are a great chance
for you to get plugged into our team,
ask questions, share breakthroughs, etc...

Basically you have the chance to learn from
6 and 7 figure earners!

To Join the Hangout I am going to always
park that link on this domain:

All you have to do is click that link
10 minutes
before our Saturday 11am
eastern Masterminds and you will be

If you try earlier than that, chances are
it won't work yet or you will just be watching
a replay of the last hangout.

So, give that link a whirl at 10:50am today.

I will still email you as well, but just in case
it doesn't get to you in time you are all set!

I look forward to connecting with you in just
a bit! =)

~ To Your Success ~

Kassandra Keeton

Important Legal Information Regarding This Email

Folks - obviously, the income examples shown are
extraordinary.The income claims presented are not
intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead,
they're designed to give you an idea of what's possible
 - see our income disclaimer here


Also, if you end up buying anything from these emails
someone will most likely earn a commission, which you
probably know because you understand business.
However, we like our subscribers to be fully informed
when using our products. We appreciate your business
and support.


To ensure that the email we send you ends up in your
inbox, and isn't mistakenly sent to the junk folder, please
whitelist our domain:
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Success Formula, 19002 Dallas Pkwy Suite 232, Dallas, TX 75287, United States
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