Subject: "Houston, we have a problem!"

This almost never happens...

... But last night it did!

So many people came rushing to watch this webcast
last night that we ended up crashing our servers!

... It was nuts!

We had over 4,587 people register to watch this
 and they ALL came rushing to the page
at once!

Our webcast servers couldn't handle the massive
tidle wave of people who were all coming at the
same time - so they crashed!  

We ended up calling our video guys and asked 
them to publish a limited time replay of last night's
webcast so you could see it.

They just called us back and told us that the
replay is live and available for you to watch

Simply click on the video below to enable sound
and watch the limited time replay now:

If you haven't had a chance to watch this yet,
we HIGHLY RECOMMEND that watch it now
while it's still available. 

If you're anything like the 2,800+ people who
attended last night's webcast LIVE, 
then we
know you are going to love this too.

(The number of people who attended actually
may be higher. There were 4,587 people who
registered to attend - but when the servers
crashed on us - we lost count after 2,800.)

Gotta love technology :-)

Talk soon!

~ To Your Success ~

Kassandra Keeton

P.S. As you may know - we almost never
offer replays to our webcasts.
However, when circumstances like this
occur - it's only fair to let you see what
everyone was raving about :-)

We do not plan on keeping the replay
up for much longer, so watch it now
while you still can.

Feel free to reach out to me through my blog & other social networks!

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Success Formula, 19002 Dallas Pkwy Suite 232, Dallas, TX 75287, United States
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