Subject: 3 Pillars of Online Success! (Pure Content Email)

Hi it's Kassandra  :-)

There are 3 pillars to online success.

You absolutely MUST have these
3 things in place if you want to be
successful and make money online.

Pillar No.1 - Lead Capture Page

Often people think to make money
online you need fancy websites, or
to blog writing 100's of posts.

The truth is you only need a 1
page website called a lead capture
page and this helps you to build
your email list.

It's literally a 1 page website that
asks for an email address in exchange
for something such as a free report
or a video.

Pillar No.2 - Traffic

This is where 99% of marketers fail.

The simple fact is that you NEED
traffic if you want to be successful
online because traffic is the lifeblood
of your online business.

Without traffic you have no leads,
and no chance of making a sale
and acquiring customers.

How do you get traffic?

There are actually a bunch of ways.

You can do solo ads, Facebook ads,
SEO, YouTube, forum marketing.

Those are just a few of the methods
that I've personally used.

Generally speaking I've found that
the most successful people online
tend to focus on being an expert
at just 1 method.

I'm sure you've heard the saying,
Jack of all trades, master of non.

Well if you take that attitude towards
traffic you'll probably get bad results.

It's far better to become the master
at 1 method instead of trying lots. 

Pillar 3 - A System

The final pillar is just as important
as pillar no.1 and 2 are, in fact each
pillar really goes hand in hand.

The final piece of the puzzle is
the system. The system could
also be known as your sales funnel
and products.

But in reality, it's a system... it's a way
of systematically converting traffic
into sales of whatever you are selling.

A good system will contain multiple
products and well crafted sales videos
in order to sell those products.

Ultimately a good system will help
you make the most amount of money
from the traffic you send towards it.

Combining All 3 Pillars

You can go out there and create all 3
pillars on your own which is doable but
I don't recommend it.

Or you can plug into a proven system
like THIS ONE  that already combines all
3 of these things for you:

I personally use this because it
combines these 3 pillars and makes
my job a lot easier.

It also makes it far easier to make
serious money because the system
is already proven:

~ To Your Success ~

Kassandra Keeton

PS - I hope you enjoyed this value driven email.

If you want to work with me in my primary business where I can help you generate leads and sales, then you should click here

Feel free to reach out to me through my blog & other social networks!

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