Subject: Wives Supprt Group - Kick Start - ®

Wives Support Group ™
– Description, Values and Investment Document –
This Email has been sent to selective wives and other women who I thought they might be interested in joining this dynamic program that could transform their lives.
If you think that this program is not for you, maybe you could forward this email to someone else who may need some serious help.
In the past 5 years or more, I have been receiving countless emails from wives who have found out that their husbands are involved in pornography and other compulsive sexual behaviors. Their agony and pain continued after confronting their husbands who either denied the fact or did not care at all.
Then the Wives Support Group was created to empower those wives/females/ladies and help them cope with this very challenging phase in their lives.

Most of them, if not all have found only 2 options to choose from when this problem occurred:
a.     To give up on their husbands and just move with the wind, or
b.     To do something really beneficial and save their family members from unpleasant atmosphere and/or a complete destruction.

And let me tell you exactly why you should join the Wives Support Group ™:
You will come to realize during those sessions that you are not alone in your trials. There are thousands upon thousands of other wives who need someone else to listen to their agony and offer them the necessary and professional support.
When you listen to the problems of others like you, you will then start to offer them your own support, and as a result, you will come to know that you have an easy-to-handle situation compared to other cases.
The views and opinions you will hear from other participants in the group are of different perspectives that you may have never thought of, so you can easily come up with lots of new ideas and approaches to deal with your own situation.
Wives Support Groupcould open a whole door of career for you. You will learn continuously how to mentor wives like you and how to help them cope with their trials and difficulties. You could even establish your own business line and excel in it with your own style and flavor. This in itself is a healing for your own grieve.
Wives Support Group generally cost you less than individual counseling; yet it is far more powerful due to the different insights offered by other participants.
Sharing your concerns with others and with the coach can help you provide excellent support to other wives without even realizing. Your inputs and participation can do wonder. That’s why it is said: Sharing is healing.
Wives Support Group ™ can offer regular motivational and inspirational doses that can keep you going towards your goal, and that is to save your family from any damage or breakdown.
How to join the Wives Support Groups?
The entire program was designed for serious wives/ladies ONLY. Those wish to create some real positive changes in their lives and in the lives of their family members, especially their husbands. And therefore they have to be carefully selected. So here are the steps you should go through before joining your group:
1. Fill up the Application for Pre Approval document. In this application you will be asked to answer couple of questions so that we can decide whether you are fit for the program or not.
2. Sign the Wives Support Group contract. In this contract you will be asked to make a commitment that you are ready to join the group for at least 1-year period. Because this is the minimum amount of time required to fix years of pain and undesirable habits. However, you can always request to renew the period, for which you could join more benefits.
3. After the committed first year is over, some of you will be carefully selected to join my team of coaches and participate in my premium program of coaching training.
What will you receive during the 1-year commitment with Wives Support Group?
1. Two hours monthly support meeting.
2.     Weekly email support. Which include tasks to be done in order to achieve results.
3.     Unlimited WhatsApp reach out with me in case you need further support.
4.     Secret Facebook Group support to share valuable information and articles.
5.     50% Discount for any of my Online or Onsite workshops and programs.

That’s right. It is not a price you pay for a product, it is an investment worth the efforts and money, it is to save your loved ones and to start a career that probably could transform your entire life.
Actual Payment for 1-Year program

10% off if you wish to pay the whole amount at registration

Installment System [If you wish to pay bit by bit throughout the year]
US$1,140 at registration

Payment per month for 12 months
Before giving it a second thought about the investment fee, do me a favor. Why don’t you make a quick research on how much a coaching session would cost you anywhere in the world PER HOUR? Only then you will realize that the amount offered is NOTHING compared to the values that you will get in return.


1.     Application for Pre-Approval – Kindly fill it up and return it by email.

2.     Wives Support Group Contract – Print it out, sign it and send it back by email to ensure your spot in a dynamic group of wives who are ready to make some serious and positive changes.

Once your Application is approved, you will then receive an email with your favorable payment link to complete your enrollment and start an amazing and ultimate journey of helping your husband to quit porn and reclaim back his life, and his wife.
Who should join Wives Support Group ™?
  • Obviously wives who came to know that their husbands are addicted to porn and other undesirable sexual behaviors.
  • Women who wanted to learn the science and methods of healing other women during times of grieve and trials.
  • Female educators who wish to learn the art of support and life coaching, and
  • Women/wives who found themselves addicted to porn as well and wanted to learn how to break-free from their addiction and live a life power and freedom. And of course, you can join the meetings anonymously.
Any other questions or clarifications needed, you could simply email me at -

Rest assured that all our correspondence and communications will remain strictly confidential.
All the best.
Wael Ibrahim

Wael Ibrahim, 6 Durham Place, Kewdale, Perth, WA 6105, Australia
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