Subject: Who else wants to be CERTIFIED?🤔

Assalamo Alikum everyone,

If you’re like most people I talk to, you’ve tried a whole lot of different ways to get rid of some behavioural addictions. And you know what? I bet they didn’t work.

Does any of this sound familiar?

• You quit for a while then go back to square one! As if you didn't gain any benefits at all.

• You worked very hard to stay away from porn consumption only to find yourself, unwillingly being dragged and drowned by your addiction. Or,

• You are not addicted at all but you wanted to help your loved ones to get over their addiction but you have no clue where to start.

I hear you. It’s frustrating. But the good news is that you don’t have to suffer any longer. I have introduced a certification program a couple of years ago that helped so many people, not only gain power over their addiction, but also help others cope with their now struggles.

 Check it out here the details and benefits of this program.

 Just look at what you get:

#1. By the end of the program, you will be able to make up your mind as regards to what type of coaching style you'd like to focus on. You will learn how to conduct the following THREE types of coaching:

>a. One-on-one (Confidential space with your clients)

>b. One-on-many (Group coaching/counselling and how to hold it in a safe and anonymous space), and

>c. Online coaching (How to develop your own online coaching programs on variety of topics, not necessarily porn addiction)

#2. Even if you are not addicted, you'll be able to learn all necessary techniques and tools to help others who need someone with compassion to take them out of their misery.

#3. Discover the most effective models of coaching that assisted 1000s of people regain power over their addiction.

#4. You will be able to interact directly with me, LIVE for the last time as all future certification programs will be conducted via recorded sessions only.

#5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc etc... can never be mentioned is such a small space here, so you need to make up your mind and join the next batch of coaches.

You won’t find a better way to get all what you need to know about breaking the shackles of porn addiction than this. And definitely, you won’t find a better investment to make if you act now.

This offer won’t last long, so gets yours now at The Aware Academy.