Subject: 🤝The healing power of helping others.🤝

Assalamo Alikum everyone,

We all have painful experiences, both as children and as adults, and when we carry the energy of these negative emotions and traumatic experiences with us we can become physically and mentally ill.

Fear, anger, resentment, shame and addictions trap us in toxic cycles, affecting our relationships and progress in almost every area of our life.

There are so many methods that we can utilize on our healing journey, from religious and spiritual angle to therapy and exercise, and they are all beneficial, especially when combined.

In my experience with porn addicts over the past 17 years now, one of the most powerful healing tools which benefitted 1000s of our clients is coaching. Offering this safe space for the affected souls to express themselves is indescribable.

Although many of my clients initially come with fear of being who they are, they end up healing so many underlying issues which had led them to their addictive cycle.

The entire process of coaching at The Aware Academy take our clients on a journey of discovery and self-realisation.

We take them deeper into areas that they need to go and the stories they share, with their heart open, this brings contentment and calm to every part of their being. And the result is, recovery, sobriety, peace and success. Don't you want to be part of this journey? Whether you are an addict yourself or not.

Throughout the journey of completing their recovery, our clients start to become more certain, more confident and grow as individuals to a level where their initial fears and doubts of whether they ‘had it in them’ to beat up this addiction simply vanish into thin air.

This is where success and transformation takes place: a place that ignites their inner fire so brightly they become compelled that their addiction isn't them, and that this part of their life can be overcome.

Many of them right now are coaches themselves, they help others and in the process, they help themselves too.

REMEMBER: It takes one person willing to make a difference to start a revolution of change, but first, they need a vehicle (Coach/help) to share their voice and the tools that best enables that.

Not every journey ends the same. But definitely it is worth the attempt.

Be brave, pick up the phone, call or email me if you are still in doubt. +61414919806

You need nothing else to begin except a few minutes and the willingness to become much better.

c: +61414919806

P.S.  If you are ready to discuss The Coaching Certification Program and want to see what options will be best for you to achieve your goals, please do not hesitate to WhatsApp or call me on this number: +61414919806

NOTE: 20th of October will be the LAST LIVE Coaching Certification Program. All future certification programs will be via recorded sessions.