Subject: Support AtThePeak2018 Islamic Conference

"At The Peak" is the largest annual Islamic Convention in Hong Kong spanning over 2 days.

It invites renowned scholars from all over the world who give Imaan refreshing talks.

The aim of the convention is to motivate the people of Hong Kong (Muslims and Non-Muslims) and encourage them to reach their own individual peak of success within this world and for the hereafter.

We encounrage you to be a part of this great cause and support it through whatever resources Allah has blessed you with for you'll get the rewards of every heart changed.

Support it with as little as a dollar as It's the intention that counts more.

Spread the word to your friends and family and involve everyone in this great cause.

Lead, as you'll earn rewards for all the good that will follow.

Do not miss this great chance of Sadaqah Jairiyah!
Serving Islam Team (HK)
340-342 Hennessy Road, Kuo Wah Bldg, 7/F, Room 707, Wanchai, 
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 98692244
Wael Ibrahim, 6 Durham Place, Kewdale, Perth, WA 6105, Australia
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