Subject: Not for everyone 🚫

How to overpower your porn addiction habit without having to experience endless relapses so you an enjoy the life you have always wanted?

I know how it feels to stay up all night masturbating to pixels....

I know the negative consequences that you had to go through in order to feel that instant and painful pleasure ...

I know it had affected almost all aspects of your life... Your partner, your studies, your work, your health, your mental abilities, your faith, and your personality.

And by the way, you can continue in this miserable life as you please...

No one can stop you... But I have to let you imagine the end of this road.

Because I did not only experience that pain, but I had also seen it the lives of thousands of others who are crying right now in silence, just like you. All they have been doing in life is to fight a lost battle that is full of shame, depression, anxiety, and torture.

But hey ... there will always be hope. That's why I am sending this message to YOU...

To share with you the great news about how you can kickstart your journey towards recovery and beat up that monster once and for all... Yes, I am dead serious.

For the past 1 and a half years, I've been applying a method that I had learned in coaching called Critical Alignment Model. And you wouldn't believe it. It is working with my clients like nothing else I had ever tried in the past 12 years of experience in the field of porn addiction. During such time I had received feedback from clients who had given up their addiction in a matter of a few months following the C.A.M recovery approach. And I just wanted to spread the news to everyone because I am very passionate to see you and others free from the shackles of pornography. All you need to do is to invest US$97 and we are going to walk you through this amazing technique every week for 3 whole weeks. And the promise is, you will feel stronger after week 2. That's a promise.

Here's what one of my clients sent to me when I asked them for feedback and a testimonial. He said:

"It’s been a huge personal journey the last 4 months. When I thought being sober is an impossible task, the CAM recovery model by the Aware Academy and Wael Ibrahim was like a savior to me."

I myself didn't believe what I heard from over 70 clients that I had worked with them in the past 1 and a half years. The result was astonishing. SO I hope it can work for you to.

Right now I am accepting 20 clients every month. So you may jump on the waiting list by saying YES to yourself, YES to recovery, and YES to defeating porn addiction.

C.A.M Recovery Program

And listen... I am giving ALL My books for absolutely no cost whatsoever once you join this program. In them are the 12 years of experience, knowledge, strategies and hope that you will definitely need to regain your strength and declare your victory over porn addiction.

Would you like to start the battle? >>>JUST CLICK HERE>>>

Waiting, thinking too much and any other step won't really take your addiction away. All you need now is ACTION. So make sure you will make the right decision.

Wishing you well.

Stay strong, stay #aware