Subject: I took an ACTION, I VALUED myself ♡

It took me so long, but hey... it is never too late, I FINALLY DID IT, I registered my company and I am ready to follow my dreams and inspire whoever comes in my way.

It is never too late for you as well. Life is too short to be wasted in fear and self-limiting beliefs. We are all unique and can achieve greatness, however we can only do that through ACTIONS.

"One action at the time, one step at the time, and the journey shall be completed." - Wael Ibrahim
This message has been sent to some very special people to my heart, some incredible individuals that have impacted me very positively, people who have shown me love, respect and support although we have not known each other for so long. But HEY, love does not know length of time :) 

And that's why I am inviting you all to the launching event of my company MentorPLUSon the 10th of December, 2017.

It would be an honor to see you all attending my FIRST EVENT ever to be conducted by MentorPLUS™ in the beautiful city of Perth.

The launching event is going to offer you some incredible VALUES as well. Remember? I valued myself, therefore I know now how to VALUE U ♥ - In fact, this is the very VISION of MentorPLUS™ and that is:
Join me and a huge life up of participants of professionals, coaches, mentors and gorgeous individuals on the 10th of December, 2017  and attend one of our signature workshops SMASH THE STAGE™- A whole day FREE workshop on how to master the art of public speaking and presentation skills.

(Event runs from10AM to 6PM - Including breaks, activities, refreshments and FUN)

I want YOU to be the FIRST PERSON to attend this event.
NOW - Can I ask you for 2 favors?

1. Kindly register your details by CLICKING HERE if you think the value of this event suits your career and that you will be coming to be part of the programs. AND...

2. Could you start adding values to others as well by forwarding this message if you think they too might be interested to attend?
The event will be held at Tompkins On Swan

located at: Cnr. Dunkley Ave & Canning Hwy Alfred Cove, Pert

Registration will start at 9AM
Don't miss the opportunity & Don't forget to register for the event by

Because TRUST matters

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret f success"

Wael Ibrahim, 6 Durham Place, Kewdale, Perth, WA 6105, Australia
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