Subject: I can't quit! I always relapse! What to do? ✉

What should I do? 

I always relapse and go back to the same habit!

Here are THREE tips to help you beat up Pornography Addiction.

I get it, I know you wanted to quit. I know you may have gone days, weeks, months or even years without watching Porn then all of a sudden something happened and you relapsed! Awful, I know. 

I also know how negative your feelings are. I understand the heaviness in your heart and the shameful thoughts that cross your mind every time you fail. I know that you are asking yourself "How in the world did I end up doing it again?" - I know that you have come to the point of not believing that you can overcome and beat up your addiction. I know how awful you feel about yourself right now, but hey, believe me, YOU CAN BE FREE AGAIN.

In this short message, I will be showing you THREE tips that could help you heal and beat up your porn addiction. 
I know of MANY LIKE YOU who have gone through that same process and they were able to free themselves from the shackles of Pornography and its ugly path. And if others did it, then everyone else can achieve the same. 

Here you go. THREE TIPS

1) Start making serious changes in your life. 

Your decisions and choices are sufficient to make you either an addict or FREE for life. That includes the types of food you eat, the friends you hang out with, the types of TV shows you watch, the places you regularly visit, the environments you create for yourself, and so on. Your intention for making a positive change must be accompanied by ATTENTION. And that is to create the right environment that is free from anything that could trick you into your unwanted actions. 

If you are seeking quick fixes, then you are most welcome to shut down this message forever. Because there are NONE. 

To recover, you MUST be around the right people, who are interested and keen to see you free from all sorts of addiction. This is a KEY for your recovery

CHANGES can include the decoration of your room, not taking you Internet devices into your bedroom, the types of TV programs that you watch, the types of books you like to read and so on. Start making those changes TODAY and don't wait much longer. 

2) Turn "the spiritual mode" on. 

Your religion, belief system, values, principles and what you hold as precious in life could be a powerful tool and a motivational cue on your journey towards recovery. Turning that spiritual mode on by means of sincere education and serious practices, could easily fire up the dopamine reward pathways in your brain which could later on rewire itself and weaken the addict in you. So strengthen your faith and the results can be easily achieved.  

3) Get out of your Isolation and meet the real world. 

Addiction gets harder when it is fed with shame, guilt, depression and anxiety which take place when the level of dopamine is decreed in our brains. And that could happen when we stay away from watching porn for a sometime. The person then, in that state seeks isolation so that he could delve into his pornography world to increase the level of dopamine in his brain and feel that ecstasy he is used to. Repeating the activity will then result in avoiding interaction with real people and so depression will be a regular visitor and the person will be trapped into that cycle for yeras to come. And therefore, leaving your comfort zone and coming out to the real world will easily disrupt your brain system and revive the real part of you that you have been looking for. So don't stay alone unless necessary

I have never seen any addict who was successfully able to beat up his addiction by remaining alone within the walls of his bedroom. So GET OUT AND FREE YOURSELF.  

Try the tips out, be committed to the advice which is based on experience and interacting with porn addicts for many years now, and perhaps you will be contacting me one day to narrate your recovery story. 

All the best and stay strong. 
Wael Ibrahim

DATE: 03/12/2016 in Perth/Australia 

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Wael Ibrahim, 6 Durham Place, Kewdale, Perth, WA 6105, Australia
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