Subject: Could there be hope for your porn addiction?

Save yourself as early as now - Know how to prevent getting addicted to pornography

Friend, do you ever wonder how porn addiction works?

Porn gives your brain a dopamine hit (a pleasing brain response) every time you see it. You will expect and crave this dopamine response over time.

Eventually, you will raise the stakes to get the same dopamine response and you will want to watch even more porn. Your body begins to normalize what you are seeing and your brain does not react in the same way as before.

That is how porn addiction develops.

How do you avoid getting to that part? To get that worse?

To quit before it gets worse, try doing the following:

- Remove your access to porn. Cut the head of the problem and block the website and portals where you watch porn.

- Plan an activity. Making yourself busy with other things will be both productive and keep your mind off the desire to watch porn.

- Identify the triggers. Once you know what triggers you to search for porn, you will know what to avoid next time. Do not place yourself in a position where it will be hard to say no.

- Keep yourself in the know of how it can affect you in the long run. You have to keep yourself grounded in the understanding that porn addiction can be truly damaging.

- Get help. Call a trusted friend or open up to your partner about it.

- Be resourceful. For when help is hard to come by from people close to you or you feel ashamed, we have created the course that may change your life as it did to our past clients. DISCOVER YOUR EMOTIONAL WORLD and build up your dream emotional connections…

Once you go through these steps, keeping also your religious duties in mind and make the commitment to yourself, then Insh a Allah, you will be able to see the change. As the saying goes “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”

And so I challenge you, Friend. Make the move to change NOW.

Keep in mind that you can beat porn addiction with Allah’s aid.

And we are dedicated to being with you in every step of recovery.

Don’t hesitate to reply soon!

