Subject: 10 things you can do NOW to get rid of Porn Addiction ☟

10 things you can do NOW to get rid of porn addiction.
Porn addicts are doing their best to break free from the chain of their addiction, however many a times they find it hard, if not impossible to win the battle and as a result they give up their fight.
Below are 10 suggestions that could assist you along the journey of recovery. Do them NOW without delay and things will most definitely begin to change.
Do not EVER, at anytime take your Internet devices into your bedroom. Not even ONCE. All devices should be removed completely from your bedroom.

Disconnect the Internet COMPLETELY after 8 or 9PM. It’s rather a time for reflection, prayers, relaxing and qualuty sleep.

Sleep EARLY. Most people who are addicted are watching porn past midnight, and as a result their brains will keep on reminding them to watch regularly at the same time. The solution is, disrupt your brain and sleep EARLIER .

Darken your room when you sleep. Don’t use any dim lights, red or blue in particular. You need to experience a good quality sleep to regain strength, energy and focus; the things that pornography have ruined to a certain degree.

Plan your day EVERY DAY. Fill up your day with productive work. Pornography has consumed your time and has eaten up your productivity, you will need to fight back by doing the opposite.

The first 1 week, or even 10 days are the hardest. You may experience headache, mood swinging, lower back ache, lack of focus, memory issues etc. I guarantee you, everything will be fixed if you remained sober.
Go out for a walk, or even sit down in a nearby park. Read a book, and if you don’t like reading, then perhaps this is the right time to develop this habit. Pornography loves isolation, and recovery loves social life and being around people.

Send all your Internet devices to IT experts. Ask them directly and without a shame to block any inappropriate website from appearing on your devices. Don’t only install filters, but ask the experts to block this monster completely from your devices.

Educate yourself about the whole industry of pornography because the more you know, the more you grow in awareness and thus, most likely you will resist the temptation harder than ever.

Purchase my eBook titled CHANGE, which is a 30-days plan to break free from porn addiction. The book consists of 30 inspirational quotes, 30 entries to elaborate on a particular area and 30 decisions for you to make and get your life back on track.

Purchase my recent book [To be released end of May 2017] titled Beat it: 50-plus shades of hope that includes over 100 tips and tricks to break free from porn addiction. You can buy it from here: BEAT IT! 50-plus shades of hope.

Looking forward to hear your successful stories of beating up your addiction.
Wael Ibrahim, 6 Durham Place, Kewdale, Perth, WA 6105, Australia
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