Stuttering Dissolution Online Academy

Stuttering Dissolution

Newsletter Archive

Helping you to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of your way so you can live a fully expressive, confident, successful and fulfilled life.

[NEW WEBINAR] How To Transform And Improve Your Speech To A Great Level...

August 29th, 2013 at 12:52 pm EEST

Hi Friend, Good news:) There is a new webinar waiting for you... "How To Improve Your Speech To A Great Level And Speak The Way You Want To Speak In Every Situation!" In this webinar, I am going to talk about: * How To Improve Your Speech To A GREAT ...

More Information About Sunday's Webinar (important details)

August 16th, 2013 at 7:46 am EEST

Hi Friend, I hope you received my email which Isent to you a few days ago. As I promised, I wanted to send you another quick email and inform you about some important webinar details. As you already know, our special guest Alan Badmington will be jo ...

Webinar Video Is Being Taken Down Soon! (link inside)

June 20th, 2013 at 3:20 pm EEST

Hey Friend, I just wanted to make sureyou didn't miss this. Ask Me Anything About Stuttering Q&A Session! Webinar video is being taken down soon, so if you haven't watch/listen it yet, go ahead and check it out! I got lots of positive comments about ...

Webinar Replay Ready! (open to access and watch it)

June 17th, 2013 at 7:50 am EEST

We made our first webinar on Sunday anda lot of people attended it live. Even though there was a technical issue with the video - so it ended up being more like a teleseminar:) - it still turned out tobe a great session which I got GREATfeedback abou ...

[Live Webinar] Ask Me Anything on Sunday! (OPEN)

June 15th, 2013 at 11:50 am EEST

Hey Friend, Sorry for this last minute announcement,but there is something important I want to let you know about. I'm organizing a LIVE WEBINAR on Sunday! (June 16) This will be a LIVE SESSION which you willbe able to ask me any questions you likeon ...

How To Improve Your Self Confidence By Using Your Body Correctly!

June 3rd, 2013 at 6:00 pm EEST

Hi Friend, I just uploaded a new video andblog post, which I think you'll findhelpful. Stuttering Help – How To Improve Your Self Confidence By Using Your Body Correctly! We all know that confidence plays a HUGE role when it comes to our speech and ...

WATCH the video and DON'T MISS this free online session!

May 28th, 2013 at 7:38 am EEST

Hi Friend, I just wanted to make sure youknow about this... Live online session on stuttering and stammering. In this live online session, you'll learn: * How to deal with the fear of speaking * How to control and eliminate unproductive thoughts * W ...

Live Online Session Is Coming! Watch This Video Now...

May 25th, 2013 at 3:14 pm EEST

Finally! The live online session I wastelling you about is plannedand will be delivered soon:) Watch this video to learn more. All the best, Chazzler P.S: You'll find out who I'm doing this within that video;) So click here and go watch it now!

I have one GOOD and one GREAT NEWS for you!

May 18th, 2013 at 7:40 am EEST

Hi, I have one good and one great newsfor you... which I think you'll like a lot! First the good news... If you missed the last email I sent you (whichI still get a lot of positive feedback about) youcan now access and read it from the below link. Is ...

The role of speaking technique in improving your speech. Is it important or not?

May 9th, 2013 at 11:20 am EEST

I get this question A LOT! "Do I have to learn a physical technique toimprove my speech and eventually overcomemy stuttering challenge?" When I first decided to do something about my speech, I believed that learning a speaking technique is the way to ...