Stuttering Dissolution Online Academy

Stuttering Dissolution

Newsletter Archive

Helping you to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of your way so you can live a fully expressive, confident, successful and fulfilled life.

How to manage PANIC&STRESS in your speech (use this next time you speak)

November 10th, 2016 at 6:36 pm EEST

Hey Friend, I was 8 years old. My mom picked me up from school. She was driving her old red car and I was sitting in the back chatting with her. She asked: "How did your day go Chazzler?" I started to share the details... She was looking at me in t ...

Stuttering is NOT just a speech problem! Here's why...

November 8th, 2016 at 5:37 pm EEST

Yes Friend, I don't think stuttering is JUST a speech problem. Here is what I mean by that... Which one comes to your mind when you think about stuttering? The physical struggle like speech blocks OR the emotional pain we go through as a result of th ...

This time I need YOUR help!

September 21st, 2016 at 2:10 pm EEST

Hey Friend, I noticed you've received and probably watched my free video I created for you on this page. ...but you chose not to take advantage of the special bundle offer which I presented to you at the end of the video. I would looove to know WHY!: ...

Hope you've watched this video and seen the special offer ending today!

September 18th, 2016 at 5:28 pm EEST

Hi Friend, I wanted to let you know about this just in case you missed it for any reason. Just click here to watch it now. Hope you had a chance to watch this new video and see the special offer I gave only to people who watched the video. You can l ...

Did you watch this video, Friend?

September 17th, 2016 at 3:59 am EEST

Hi Friend, I just wanted to make sure you watched this video I sent you a few days ago. Click here to watch it if you haven't done so. This is the video I promised to send you about "7 most common speech difficulties we as PWS(people who stutter) fac ...

Here Is The Video I PROMISED To Send You! (video link inside)

September 15th, 2016 at 4:24 pm EEST

Hi Friend, Here is the video I promised to send you about speech difficulties and what to do about them. 7 Most Common Speech Difficulties In Overcoming Stuttering and What To Do About Them. If you remember I sent an email to my list a few days ago ...

The most difficult part of overcoming stuttering and what to do about it!

August 31st, 2016 at 6:07 pm EEST

"It's DIFFICULT!" It's what you say at that moment when you realize everything you've done for your speech and stuttering hasn't gotten you anywhere. No matter what you learn, what you do or how hard you try, you're still struggling with your speech ...

Did you watch these videos on stuttering, Friend?

July 5th, 2016 at 1:24 am EEST

Hi Friend, I just wanted to make sure you were able to watch these videos I created for you. You can now watch all of it on this new page. I know some people wrote me back asking to be able to watch these videos all at once. Also they wanted to be a ...

Please do not make these 7 mistakes when it comes to your speech!

January 12th, 2016 at 4:35 pm EEST

Hi Friend, I can't tell you how many people I see making these same mistakes over and over again when it comes to stuttering and our speech. I shared all of them in this video. You can click here to watch it now. I'm a PWS(person who stutters) mysel ...