Stuttering Dissolution Online Academy

Stuttering Dissolution

Newsletter Archive

Helping you to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of your way so you can live a fully expressive, confident, successful and fulfilled life.

Webinar Replay Ready! (open to access and watch it now)

December 23rd, 2013 at 3:44 pm EEST

Thank you all who attended yesterday's webinar. I wanted to share the webinar replay with those of you who either couldn't make the webinar orcouldn't stay until the end of the webinar. Click here to watch the full webinar replay. I've got great feed ...

Did you miss Thursday's webinar?

December 21st, 2013 at 8:24 am EEST

First of all, let me make something clear here. This list is very important to me and I'llkeep sharing helpful content(trainings, webinars,videos, audios, pdf files, etc.) with this list as long as the content is high quality and helpful to people wh ...

Detailed info about Thursday's webinar (time + topic)

December 17th, 2013 at 7:41 pm EEST

Thursday's webinar is coming, so I wanted tolet you know about the details. Here are the details of the webinar: Topic: 7 Worst Mistakes & Most Important Mindset Shifts In Overcoming Stuttering Date: 19 December 2013, Thursday Time: 10AM Eastern Tim ...

Webinar topic decision and another good news!

December 16th, 2013 at 6:21 am EEST

Thank you for all the emails. A lot of people wrote back and shared their choice about the upcoming webinar. Are you ready to learn which topic was the winner?:) This was very surprising to me. To be honest, I didn't expect this result, but the winn ...

Your requests about John Harrison's webinar replay page

November 5th, 2013 at 8:41 am EEST

Hello, Just a quick email to let you know thatI re-activate the webinar replay page for a few more days since I've received quite a number of emails requesting that. So, if you missed the webinar for any reasongo ahead and watch it now before it is t ...

Webinar Replay Ready! (open to access and watch it now)

October 28th, 2013 at 9:07 am EEST

First of all, THANK YOU so much for makingyesterday's webinar a blast! It was planned for 1.5 hours but we extended andmade it 2.5 hours so we could answer EVERY SINGLE QUESTION we received from you! Good news. Technology didn't let us down and as pr ...

I am bringing JOHN HARRISON to your house :)

October 24th, 2013 at 10:50 am EEST

Hey Friend, Great news! Here is what it is... We are doing a live Q&A webinarwith John Harrison on Sunday! As you most probably know, JohnHarrison is one of the greatest mindsin stuttering community. I believe there are a lot you can learn from him ...

They laughed at my speech and I cried, BUT...

September 17th, 2013 at 12:29 pm EEST

It was a rainy day in Florida. I had an hour before my class, so I went to school's cafeteria to grabsomething to eat for lunch. It was crowded...and there was a loooong line full of other students who were waiting to order. I got at the back of the ...

[NEW WEBINAR] How To Transform And Improve Your Speech To A Great Level...

August 29th, 2013 at 12:52 pm EEST

Hi Friend, Good news:) There is a new webinar waiting for you... "How To Improve Your Speech To A Great Level And Speak The Way You Want To Speak In Every Situation!" In this webinar, I am going to talk about: * How To Improve Your Speech To A GREAT ...

More Information About Sunday's Webinar (important details)

August 16th, 2013 at 7:46 am EEST

Hi Friend, I hope you received my email which Isent to you a few days ago. As I promised, I wanted to send you another quick email and inform you about some important webinar details. As you already know, our special guest Alan Badmington will be jo ...