Your speech and my GIFT to you! (just 2 days left)

January 17th, 2020 at 4:11 pm EEST
I just didn't want you to miss this gift I got for you, so I wanted to remind you one last timeFriend. 

If you are interested in this, you got 2 more days left (until Sunday night)!

Don't miss it!

Here's the email again in case you didn't see the original email I sent you a few days ago.

I'd definitely save 5 minutes of my time and READ it before it's too late.  


Oh by the way; if you already read my original email, I am sorry for 2 reasons:

1) Sorry for sending you the same email again.
2) Sorry to see you missing the best offer ever :)


I have to tell you the TRUTH Friend! 

Because everyone says something different about stuttering... and how you can overcome it. 

...and I am sick and tired of hearing those so called "experts" and "programs" leading people to the wrong direction just to get their money.

- Some say "learn this speaking technique and you'll speak fluently"

- Some say "it's in your head, just fix your thoughts and you'll be able to speak smoothly"

- Some say "come to this $5000 program and we'll train you how to speak fluently"

- Some say "come to my speech therapy sessions($300 per hour by the way) and we'll teach you to re-learn how to speak smoothly"

- Some say "just put this device on and you'll speak without any blocks"

The list just goes on and on...

I am sorry but you CAN'T do that to people! 

Because for people(like you and me) with a stuttering challenge in life;

it's NOT ONLY about the speech but it is also about the HOPE!

We all know that IF we overcome stuttering, LIFE will be VERY DIFFERENT for us. 

So we keep this HOPE - HOPE for the future.

And that's exactly why I wanted to share the TRUTH about stuttering... and how to overcome it the right way! 

Because I was one of those people falling into those traps

I tried almost EVERYTHING you can imagine out there.

...and lose my money and even worse my HOPES!

And today, I still see people (both online and offline) with their absurd claims such as:

- Stop stuttering in 2 hours.
- Speak without blocks instantly.
- Just fix your mindset in one session and you'll be free of stuttering.

Oh reallyyy?

Fu.k off!

Enough is enough.

It's time - someone has to stand up and tell the TRUTH!

This is MY truth of course.

You may or may not believe in what I'll say (you don't have to believe me).

However, I can tell you this much; 

This TRUTH of mine is NOT just an idea, it's a result of years of experience in the stuttering community working with thousands of stutterers and meeting hundreds of people who successfully overcome stuttering!

Here is my TRUTH about stuttering as a result of more than 20 years of experience... 

Don't believe the claim of "learn this speaking technique and you'll be fluent for the rest of your life"

Don't believe the claim of "fix your thoughts&mindset and you'll be free of your speech blocks"

Those were both INCOMPLETE claims.

Because I believe stuttering has 2 core components.

1) You need to change the habit of "sloppy speech" (you can call it "learning speaking techniques")

2) You need to change what stuttering MEANS to you! (you can call it "mindset")


It's true that we need to learn some speaking techniques for a few reasons such as:

-> change the habit of speaking "sloppy" and be in control of our speech in some situations.

-> prove yourself you can speak without blocks and repetitions. 

BUT, if you try to overcome stuttering just by focusing on speaking techniques, you'll FAIL.

Because, the core problem of stuttering is not just the misuse of the speaking mechanism.


It's true that you need to work on your mindset and change what stuttering MEANS to you.

You need to change and reshape your thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, etc. around your stuttering.

BUT, if you try to overcome stuttering just by focusing on mindset, you'll FAIL.


Because, in order to change those things, you'll need positive real life results and experiences to prove yourself that you CAN do it. 

You can't keep saying yourself "I can say words starting with T fluently" or "I can give a great presentation in front of thousands of people" 

...and expect to go out there and do it. 

Because your subconscious mind won't believe you until you prove it to yourself!


Your physical speech and mental/mindset work are BOTH mandatory parts of your stuttering dissolution journey.

Without one, the other one won't work. 

...or even if it works, it's a temporary result.

...just like all those programs I had gone through, got short term results but lost those results once I find myself back in real life challenging speaking situations.

So long story short;

One need to address both aspects of the stuttering equation in order to achieve long term permanent results.

I suggest you not to fall for those absurd claims of curing stuttering in a day or in a few hours.

Don't get me wrong though;

This DOES NOT mean overcoming stuttering is impossible or very hard

It is NOT... if you know what you are doing. 

However, it sure is a process than an instant cure.

For some it may take months. And for others it may take a few years.

However it's a process that you improve your speech every single day!

...until you reach your ultimate goal.

...which I'll be honest, the more you achieve the more you'll want :)

You'll start speaking with fewer blocks. 
Then you'll want to speak with no blocks.
Then you'll want to communicate effectively.
Then the next thing you know you'll want to give speeches and presentations.
Once you achieve that, then the next goal will be becoming a powerful public speaker.

The goals just never end guys. 
Trust me. It never ends.
It'll never be enough.
We all will want to set a new goal.
And may be that why we call it a life!

So overcoming stuttering is not a cure or a so called "fix", it is a journey where you keep improving every single day.

Some reach their goals earlier some a bit later, but we all do reach our goals if we put our mind and heart into it.


There is one thing I know for sure and that is;

If you want to overcome stuttering you need to address both physical and mental aspects of the equation in a smart and effective way.

That's exactly why I created 2 programs each focusing on one aspect of this equation.

- SDMP focusing on the inner game of stuttering (MINDSET)

- SDOGTP focusing on the outer game of stuttering (SPEAKING TECHNIQUES)

You can learn more about those products and what I cover in each product from the below links:

But do NOT buy any of those products until you hear about the surprise I got for you!


So what is the surprise?

The fact that you took the time to read this email till this point, tells me a bit about you. 

It tells me that you really want to do something about your speech... and your life. 

And it tells me you somewhat agree with my perspective.

Therefore, here is what I want to offer you today. 

I think you'll love it. 

Here is my surprise offer to you:

If you decide to invest in and buy both products today, I'll make an exceptional deal for you. 

Just buy SDMP from this link and I'll give you FREE access to my $97 product which focuses on the outer game of stuttering (SDOGTP)!

No I am not joking. 

I really wanted to make you an offer which you can't refuse. 

You should be "crazy" not to take advantage of this "crazy" offer.

But there is a catch!

This offer is valid until the end of this week!  

So if you want to take advantage of this great deal you need to buy SDMP from this link until Sunday and send me an email back with your receipt

I'll then give you ACCESS to the $97 SDOGTP program of mine for FREE! 

So you get both products for only $67 instead of $164. 

That really is a crazy offer. 

But again, it's only good until the end of this week.

So you need to be careful with the timing and make sure not to miss this offer. 

So your total investment will only be $67.

Definitely not like those traps I fall into asking thousands of dollars for a 2 day program or $250-$300 for a session.

I put this information together as a result of my stuttering dissolution journey. 

These are not ideas, they are proven concepts taken from real life stuttering success stories

You'll get access to videos, audios and pdf documents which you'll be able to read/listen/watch anywhere and anytime you like


This package is put together for people like yourself who can't afford those so called "cure stuttering" programs which only cause you to lose money and your hopes!

I am not saying you'll cure your stuttering by going through my products. 

However, you'll definitely understand what stuttering is and how to overcome it the right way in a much more deeper level. 

...and you'll start improving your speech every single day. long as you keep following and using what I share with you in those programs.


Let me summarize it one last time for you;

SDMP regular price is $67 and SDOGTP regular price is $97.

However if you are reading this email right now and would like to take advantage of this great offer, then; 

2) Send me your receipt until the end of this week

3) Get access to the SDOGTP product as MY GIFT to you - meaning free


Hope this makes it an easy decision for you if you are serious about doing something for your speech starting from today, Friend.

Feel free to reply back and ask if you have any questions.

All the best,


P.S: If you purchase SDMP from the original price before, let me know and I'll give you the same deal. I don't like not being fair to my previous customers. In fact I value them the most;) 

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