Your first Q&A video is ready ! [VIDEO]

June 12th, 2012 at 5:47 pm EEST


It's ready!

Stuttering help video. Click to watch.


I sent you an email a few days ago about
any specific questions you might have which
you'd like me to address and answer.

The first one is ready!

I got a lot of emails back. It was obvious to me
that this was something which a lot of people on
Stuttering Dissolution list might benefit from.

That was a great response so I decided to start a
Q&A session and address those questions in case
they apply to most of us.

You can watch the first video here.  

Let me know what you think about it.

P.S: by the way, I received all your questions and
I'll try to address them all, but you need to give me
some time since a lot of questions have been sent :)
Don't worry, yours should be on the list too;)
Today's question is from Jai.