You are going to make me cry!

May 8th, 2012 at 11:00 am EEST

Hi Friend,

I was just checking some of the emails I received
and I have to admit that I had to control
myself for not to cry :)

I once again realized that the reason I decided to
start Stuttering Dissolution Online Academy and
the reason I am still here is YOU and YOUR SUCCESS!

I wouldn't be here working so hard on this website (for more than
2 years now) if it wasn't for you, your feedback and what you have
been achieving in your life as a result of Stuttering Dissolution...both
in terms of your speech and your overall life quality!

Here are just a couple of those great feedback I am
talking about.

Thank you for all your support, kind words and
letting me know about your personal change... it makes me
happy to see you getting results and sure it motivates the hell out of me:)


You can read and listen those feedback by clicking here.

Thank you for making me realize that all my hard work and
the time, money and energy I put into this is not wasted and
this material is actually changing lives!

All the best,

P.S: I confirmed with everybody who I quoted on the page, but
if you don't want your name or even the initials to be on there please
let me know and I'll take it off as soon as possible. Also, please
do not forget to click the "like" button on the left side of the page
if you enjoy the feedback. Here is the page I am talking about.