YOU - The Best Speaker!? (your award inside)

January 11th, 2020 at 4:52 pm EEST
I know you think this is IMPOSSIBLE for you, Friend,

But just take a look at the below pictures.
(allow images to display if you can't see them)

These are all the awards I won years ago in my Toastmasters club (a communication and public speaking skills organization).

I'm not sharing this to show off or anything like that. Not at all!

The reason I wanted to share these pictures with you is to show you what's POSSIBLE even if you are a person with a stuttering challenge in life!

You CAN win speaking awards like these just like I did. 

And I know what you are thinking right now...:) 

"It's easy for you Chazzler, because you overcame your stuttering. That's why you could win those awards but I cannot!".

No, actually not. I did NOT overcome my stuttering in those days yet. 

Yes I was working on my speech and my journey had started then, but I wasn't even close to overcoming my stuttering...just yet!

So you can definitely win awards like the below: 

..even if you are not done with your stuttering challenge...just yet! 

Overcoming stuttering is not a destination, it is a journey

A journey of your speech.
A journey of your personal development.
A journey of your beliefs.
A journey of your skills.
A journey of your confidence and self-worth.
A journey of your life experience.
A journey of your "freedom".

Overcoming stuttering is what you achieve every single day... little by little... step by step...

And you gotta learn to ENJOY every moment of it.

Otherwise, with the wrong knowledge and expectations; you'll QUIT before you even start!


A lot of people think stuttering as something they have to get rid of. a pair of shoes or a t-shirt.

But what if it is a part of you that you need to DISSOLVE?

What if it is not an on/off switch?

What if it's a part of you which you need to first acknowledge and THEN do something about slowly but surely?


And yes I agree that improving your speech to a level where:

- you can say whatever you want to say
- the way you want to say it, 
- in every situation 


(You can watch the video to learn more about it by clicking here if you're interested) 


But the moral of my message today is this Friend;

Stuttering is just a part of you. 

Don't try to get rid of it. 

Try to accept it, improve it and eventually overcome it.

But it'll probably be a part of you until you decide to LET IT GO.

...both physically and mentally.

That's just the nature of this problem. 

And if you want to be successful with it, you need to learn how to do it THE RIGHT WAY!


Stuttering is NOT who you are Friend, it's what you DO.

And you can learn to DO things differently. 

Stuttering does not make you a "less" person. 
Stuttering does not make you an "incompetent" person.
Stuttering does not make you a "not enough" person.
Stuttering does not make you a "no potential" person.
Stuttering does not make you an "unattractive" person.
Stuttering does not make you an "unsuccessful" person.
Stuttering does not make you a "not respected" person.

Those are things you earn!

And I can guarantee you that you can earn all of those even if you have a stuttering challenge in life

Those are not dreams. 

Those are outcomes of you working on your speech and doing something about your life.

Don't let your stuttering to stop you achieving your goals and dreams in life. 

You can be whoever you want to be

You can win any awards including communication and public speaking award just like I shared with you.

The huge obstacle here is the fact that due to our speech, we can't communicate smoothly, effectively and freely.

Because I know that; if we want to change things in life, we need to start changing ourselves first

...and in our case, that needs to start with our speech!

Because we all know what's going to happen IF we reach a point where we can speak smoothly, effectively and freely. 

We will just be unstoppable.

Because we all know we have a huge potential in us.

I haven't met with even a single stutterer who thought he/she doesn't think he/she deserves more in life.

We all believe we deserve more and we are capable of it.

It's just this stuttering thing that keeps us AWAY from our true potential.

And that's why I strongly suggest working on your speech so you can take it to a great level. 

..but overcoming stuttering is NOT about just speaking without any blocks.

It's much more than that... 

- It's about how you think.

- It's about what you do.

- It's about how you feel.

- It's about what you believe in.

It's about your journey to FREEDOM!

Freedom of communicating the way you want to in every situation, no matter who you are talking to.

Freedom of doing what you want to do without considering your stuttering and what it could cause you.

Freedom of feeling GREAT deep inside.

The question is;

Are YOU willing to do something about it?

All the best,


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