Why Most PWS Give Up So Early and Fail? And What To Do About It!

November 13th, 2012 at 9:15 pm EEST

Just between you and me...

How many times have you gone through
stuttering treatments, you see some improvements
in your speech but you gave up… because, for some
reason, the "techniques" stopped working for you!?

Let me guess…

Most probably, at least one time!

If you are like me; at least 47 times :)

So, WHY is this happening to almost all PWS(people who stutter)?

You probably are not going to like my answer…

You can read it by clicking here.

Let me know your honest opinion and
whether you experienced this or not!

I'll see you there.


P.S: I might get a lot of "hate emails" from stuttering
treatments with this blog post. But, I don't care, I just
tell the TRUTH, so you know it and you don't get misleaded!
Read the truth I am talking about.