The BIGGEST mistake 99% of us make

August 10th, 2012 at 11:35 am EEST


It's Friday, probably your favorite day, but
I wanted to tell you about something which
is very important.

It won't take long.

I remember I both LOVED and HATED Fridays.

I love it because of obvious reasons. But, do you know
why I HATED it?

Because the weekend was there....and you know that you are
suppose to go out, socialize and enjoy your weekend on the
weekends, right?

...and that was very PAINFUL for me. Because that meant, I had to
face a painful fact; my stuttering challenge.

I hold back from everything just because of my speech problem. I
wanted to do a lot of things, but I just didn't feel like facing
all the negative feelings stuttering might cause me in those

I always thought; if and only if I didn't stutter......

I have to be honest, it wasn't an easy emotional burden
on my shoulders (may be you can relate with me on this).

But you know what my BIGGEST mistake was?

I tried to fix my stuttering just by learning a speaking
technique...and of course I never could.

...because stuttering is not something you can overcome
just by learning a physical technique which will make you
perfectly fluent.

HOWEVER, there is another HUGE mistake 99% of us make

...and that is as bad as the first mistake I mentioned above;

Yes, stuttering is not something you can overcome just by learning
a speaking technique. However;

...that doesn't mean that speaking techniques doesn't work or they
are not helpful. If you want to manage your speech, effective speaking
tools and techniques can be a HUGE help.

Think about it... how would you feel if you confidently KNEW that
you have powerful and very effective speaking techniques which
you can use to manage your speech in a better way in your feared
speaking situations?

Do you think you'd stutter as much if you DEEP DOWN knew that
you have the tools and techniques to manage you speech
whenever you need to?

I don't think so.

Now of course your mindset and the way you approach the problem
is important. But if I didn't learn the best and most effective speaking
techniques then I don't think I'd be able to improve my speech to this
level even if I had the best mindset.

...and that's why I created this video.

I think you should watch it now.

I promised you this email wasn't going to be long, but
I guess I remembered those days and my feelings
put me a bit off the track:) I know you would
understand that though.

Anyways, I wish you a great weekend and don't
forget to watch the video.

All the best,

P.S: feel free to reply to this email and let me know
if you have any questions about the video.

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