Stuttering and your resistance to change (request from a reader)

November 17th, 2011 at 3:52 pm EEST

Hi everybody,

Just posted a new article on my blog and
wanted to let you know about it.

Stuttering and Your Resistance To Change

This was a REQUEST from one of the Stuttering
Dissolution readers and I'm positive you too
will find some good value in it.

Click here to read it.

I always try to fulfill your needs and requests
as much as I can, therefore do not hesitate to
email me and let me know what you'd like to see
as an article or video or whatever.

Aruna's request is now fulfilled :)

Take care and I'll talk to you soon.

P.S: Have you ever learned new techniques which you
were positive they help you but you resist using them
when you speak? If so, this article is for you!