Stuttering Therapy - 10 WORST Mistakes You Should Avoid

January 7th, 2011 at 5:15 pm EEST


Let's talk about 10 worst mistakes you should avoid
when it comes to stuttering therapy.

Why do you think in almost all cases stuttering therapies end up
bringing us PWS(people who stutter) NO or TEMPORARY results?

Are we trying to solve a problem which cannot be solved or are we
keep choosing the wrong speech therapy programs to go through? Or
maybe it is just “us” who cannot make it happen huh…?
The answer is…

None.. and all!

None; because none of the above is the reason why speech therapy
programs or stuttering treatments don’t meet our expectations.
All; because all of the above might be a part of the reason why
those speech therapy programs/products do not work the way we
wanted or expected them to work.

So, in this article, I wanted to list and go through the 10 worst
mistakes you should avoid when it comes to benefiting from
stuttering therapy. Are you ready? Let’s roll…

Mistake #1: Expecting to learn a physical technique which will
cure your stutter

I had done this mistake myself for years. Going to any kind of
speech therapy program and expecting to learn a physical technique
which will cure your stuttering the next day, simply means losing
this game before you even start it. Of course there are physical
techniques or other tools out there which will help you work on
your speech to reach your desired outcome, but there is no such
magical technique which will cure your stutter immediately.
Anybody or any program promising you this, is misleading you in
the most innocent terms!

Mistake #2: Aiming for complete fluency

We as stutterers want fluency..or at least, that is what we
“think” we want!  However, one need to realize that fluency is not
the objective, it is a consequence! Fluency will only come as a
by-product. Therefore, remember that there are a lot more
beneficient aspects to aim for (such as learning effective tools
which will give you the confidence to face your fears and expand
your comfort zones) rather than aiming for fluency before, during
or after a speech therapy program for the purpose of hiding your

Mistake #3: Choosing a speech therapy program which focuses
solely on physical speech mechanisms

Stuttering needs to be approached holistically. Stuttering is not
just a speech problem; it is a system problem involves the whole
person. Your emotions, limiting beliefs, divided intentions,
self-image, mentality, fears, confidence, mind/psychological
state, and a lot more are all involved when it comes to stuttering.
Therefore, all those factors need be addressed when it comes to
overcoming stuttering effectively and permanently.

Mistake #4: Expecting that stuttering is a problem which can be

Stuttering is not a problem which can be “fixed”, it is a problem
which, the way I put it, can be dissolved. I agree that stuttering
is a mysterious puzzle, however it is still a puzzle! Therefore,
if you put the right pieces in the right places on the right time
it can be solved and dissolved. There are hundreds, if not
thousands of living proofs of this.

Mistake #5: Using the learned tools/techniques as tricks to hide
ones stuttering and giving up on the first block post- therapy

This mistake is somewhat related with the above mistakes which we
already talked about. If you don’t see this problem as something
which needs to be “fixed” to become completely fluent and you
understand that this is a journey which you’ll gradually reach
your desired outcome, then you’ll most probably be able to make
this happen for you. Don’t focus on not getting blocks. Don’t focus
on using your fluency tools to hide your stutter. Instead, use
your tools, techniques, strategies, etc. to build up the
confidence to go out, face your fears, expand your comfort zones
and prove yourself that you can do this. That is the only way to
dissolve that baggage we carry as a result of our disfluent speech.

Mistake #6: Focusing on why one cannot overcome stuttering
instead of why one should overcome it

I have met and worked with thousands of PWS(people who stutter)
and coached easily hundreds of them. There is one thing in common
in almost all of us.. and that is negativity. We as stutterers
are too much into finding the negative and why we cannot make it
instead of coming up reasons why we should and will make it happen.
Remember that, whether you believe it will happen or not, you are
probably right!

Mistake #7: Going through a speech therapy program because that
is what your loved ones  want for you

It is your speech and it is your life. That is why before anything
else you need to take responsibility for your speech and for your
life. Stop being a victim and blaming everything and everybody
around but you. There is nobody to blame, neither you nor others
are to blame. This is not a matter of who is blameful, it is a
matter of what needs to be done to live a confident, fulfilled
life which you deserve!  This is about you, therefore it needs to
be the right time for you. You need to be ready for the change,
for the process. Stuttering is not just a speech block, it is a
block in our choices, in our potential, in our dreams. Therefore,
overcoming stuttering is not just a change in your speech, it is
a change in who you are and who you can become.

Mistake #8: Not understanding the difference between a therapy
room and real life situations

I used to think like; “why the hell I sound great in the therapy
room but stutter severely once I step in the outside world?”. It
was very frustrating, because I couldn’t explain why the heck this
was happening. I was lost in zillion of question marks in my head.
The controlled environment is the reason. Since stuttering is not
just a physical speech problem and it involves the whole person; 
once you are alone in the real world situations, those factors
take the lead and that creates the “stuttering mindset” which
causes you to experience speech struggles.

Mistake #9: Expecting a person or a program to solve the problem
for you

Remember that nobody in this life can solve a problem for you.
The best others can do for you is to lead you, but when it comes
to DOING it, YOU are the one who is in charge. The solution to
this problem is not in any speaking tool/technique, the solution
is IN YOU! Of course you should benefit from people and effective
tools but if you expect that a tool or somebody will come and
solve the problem for you, you'd lose before you even start! You
are the one who will make this happen for you. All the others can
only show you the way and give you the best keys to open that
door.. but you are the one who needs to open that door and walk
through it!

Mistake #10: Not being involved in a support group post-therapy

As we all know, there is no cure for stuttering.. at least not
yet. Just like any other skill, reaching a desired level in your
speech is a process.. and there will be ups and downs throughout
this process. Therefore, when you are experiencing one of those
“downs” you need strong, supportive people around you to
understand, support and lead you to the right direction. You might
know what the right direction is, but sometimes we need to be
reminded by people who we trust and admire. Positive, supportive
people are crucial for your overcoming stuttering process.
Without them you just might not be able to hang on there during
those not so good times. 

I had gone through almost all kinds of speech therapy programs
out there, tried almost all products on stuttering.. but I ended
up getting the same results every single time; me looking in the
mirror in a worse condition than pre-therapy. Another hope would
be gone.. frustration, anger, hopelessness…
It is not until I met some amazing people who had been able to
overcome stuttering and were more than happy to show me to do the
same, to get the results I had been looking for years. So, be
aware of those mistakes I mentioned above. Don’t do the mistakes
I and thousands of other stutterers had done. Life is too short
to learn only from your mistakes, learn from other’s mistakes
as well !

…And I hope this email will help you to be aware and avoid some
of those mistakes which almost all PWS make at some point one way
or another when it comes to going through a speech therapy program
and benefiting from it.

All the best,

Chazzler DiCyprian

P.S: If you enjoy reading this information, you might want to check
out the following link to access a complete package (ebooks, audios,
videos, interviews,etc.) on how to put an end to the emotional pain
of stuttering the RIGHT way:

This is the MOST COMPLETE ONLINE PROGRAM EVER on stuttering!

Check it out if you are interested...

Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia Program