Speaking tools, techniques and strategies (Important Update!)

September 18th, 2011 at 6:35 am EEST


Did you receive the video I sent you yesterday
about the best and most effective speaking tools,
techniques and strategies which you can use
to successfully manage your speech in
real life speaking situations?

Here is the link for it.

If you missed it yesterday, make sure to
watch it now!

Important Update:

It brought to my attention that for some people
when they click the "Get Access Now" button,
the payment process page opens up in a
different language than English.

We found out that this is a simple coding issue
on paypal's side and it needs a simple change.
Paypal is trying to solve this minor problem
for us but the overall process works with no problem
at all. It's just that language problem which I guess
Paypal is trying to open depending on your country.

This happens for some people(not all but just for some)
the page loads in a different language than English.

Anyways, I wanted to let you know that we are aware of that
and we expect Paypal to fix this minor issue very soon.

In the meantime, if you are one of those people, feel free
to reply this email and I'll personally help you on that process.

Thank you all and make sure you don't miss the video.

Here is the link again in case you missed it yesterday.

Talk soon,
