Please do not make these 7 mistakes when it comes to your speech!

January 12th, 2016 at 4:35 pm EEST
Hi Friend,

I can't tell you how many people I see making these same mistakes over and over again when it comes to stuttering and our speech.

I shared all of them in this video. You can click here to watch it now.

I'm a PWS(person who stutters) myself and I have met with thousands of PWS in my life. Some I met as a friend, some I met in a social environment and some I met during I help and coach them on their speech.

No matter what the situation was though, I see these 7 worst mistakes in most cases...

...and I believe these 7 mistakes and mindsets sets PWS up for failure.

I'm going to be honest with you!

If you hold these beliefs and you don't change your mindset I shared with you in this video, then there is almost no possibility for you(and for any pws out there) to be able to improve their speech and overcome their stuttering challenge in life.

But these are simple mistakes and mindsets, which anyone can easily change. You just need to be aware of these and know how to change them.

If you are interested to learn, here is the link to the webinar replay video which I talk about it in detail.

I have no idea why this is the case, but it amazes(and makes me sad) that most people still hold these beliefs about their speech and stuttering. Therefore, it makes it impossible to deal with their stuttering in life.

I can't blame you if you are one of those people though.

You know why?

Because I was one of those people with those wrong beliefs which was making everything impossible for me.

In fact, because of this I had nightmares for years.

I didn't want to get out of my house.
I didn't want to make a phone call.
I didn't want to meet with new people.
I didn't want to have a girlfriend.
I didn't want to attend parties at school.
I just didn't want to face with any speaking situation in my life!

Because, that meant a lot of negative emotions for me.

It meant fear.
It meant shame.
It meant stress.
It meant inadequacy.
It meant making a fool of myself in front of others.
It meant being judged by others.

I know that this wouldn't make any sense to other people, but for you and me (for us PWS) we know how stuttering affect all areas of our life.

Stuttering is not just a speech problem for us, it is much more than that. I don't have to tell you this, because I am sure you know better than I do.

We live, breath, eat, drink stuttering 24/7.

Anyways, I better end this email, because I want to let you know about this video I created for you about those 7 mistakes which makes everything impossible(and possible!) for us.

This is actually a webinar I did a while ago. I've got a lot of positive feedbacks about the content I share in this webinar video. So, I think you'd like and find it helpful too.

Just click here and watch it now.

I'll also have a surprise for you at the end of the video which I think you'll love;)

Just click here and I'll see you in the video:)

All the best,


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