Open to see what YOU said !

July 10th, 2011 at 7:05 am EEST

Happy Sunday to you all :)

Being able to help people who are going through what
I had gone through for years... and witnessing the changes
both in your speech and more importantly in YOU as a
whole person has been filling me with pride and joy.

Thank you! You are the only reason I am here today...helping
you as much as I can to change everything for better.

I know what it means to live with a stuttering challenge,
but I also know how everything can change in your life
once you successfully remove the obstacle of stuttering
out of your way to live the life you desire.

Just wanted to share a few of those feedbacks I've received
from you...

“Well Chazzler, I am not going to say thank you, thanks for
this bla bla bla, as I believe you’ve already receive comments
like that millions of times. I will just say long live my friend, let the
God be with you.”
Luka Lukovski from USA

“Your Stuttering Dissolution Program is every-time-motivational program.
Whenever, one feels negative, just listen it again. It again charges you
up. It charges me up. Besides, the material in it is just incredible!”
Fernando S. from Germany

“…apparently you suffered from stuttering and you know exactly what is
going through the life of a stutter which makes more awesome about your material.”
Melisa from UK

“Chazzler, what I like about your materials and you is that
you are honest, you speak from the heart and you are not trying to
mislead people just to sell them so called stuttering “cures” which
are all lies. It’s obvious that your primary goal is to help people who
suffer from stuttering. In addition, even though you are not promoting
a cure or quick fix(which would be a total lie) your materials are very
result oriented and helped me to improve both my speech and my life
tremendously. I feel like a totally different person now! THANK YOU
Chad W. from Texas, USA

“Thank you, Chazzler!
I started working with your materials and it is making a lot of sense
to me and fills me with hope again. I especially like your premise that
our goal is freedom from blocking mentality and not fluency per se. Also
the way to relate to fluency techniques – view them as a tool to build
self confidence and face our fears and limiting beliefs and not the ways
to cover up – hide stuttering.”
Inna K. from Canada

“Your Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia Program follows a
completely natural and biological way of speaking.
It’s tools and techniques have given me assertiveness and
allowed me to speak whatever I want. Contrary to physical
sound producing techniques, this program teaches a stutterer
to communicate effectively by just speaking in his own rhythm,
style and speed without any problems.”
Sid from India

“Very nice tips Chazzler. You are the best I have ever seen.”
David M. from USA

“…Ultimately, you are making a HUGE difference in my life.”
Richard N. from Australia

These are only a few of those feedbacks I have received from you
as a result of you being a part of Stuttering Dissolution.

Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia Package lies at the CORE of those
feedbacks... a compilation of EVERYTHING I know as a result of
hundreds of successful stuttering dissolution journeys I experienced and

If you haven't done so, check out SDMP by clicking here.

- - - - > I have a special surprise for you which is good ONLY for today!

Here is the link

To your success

Your friend,
