Offer page extended until Sunday night !

June 11th, 2011 at 6:56 am EEST


I usually don't email this often but
just wanted to let you know that
as some of you kindly requested we extended
Stuttering Dissolution Members Only Offer Page
until Sunday night.

Here is the offer page.

I received quite a number of emails asking if
I could extend the offer one more day. I guess I caught
people at work or school and they obviously didn't
want to miss the offer. Therefore, I asked my webmaster
and we were able to manage it so you can take advantage
of this limited time offer until Sunday night.

This is a no-brainer.

If you are willing to do something about your speech
to change both your speech and your life for better... is THE DAY!

Feel free to check out the video and the offer page while
it is still available.

All the best,


P.S: this offer is ONLY for Stuttering Dissolution Members.
and you are one of those exclusive people if you received this email :)