My stuttering is "DIFFERENT", so I can't...

February 10th, 2020 at 6:18 pm EEST
Hi Friend,

I can't tell you how many times I hear these words:

"My stuttering is different, so I can't overcome stuttering like other people"

Replace "different" with any word and you'll come up with a bunch of excuses. 

And this statement is simply NOT TRUE!


I believe the core of the stuttering behavior is the same in more than 99% of stutterers. 

And that 1% is just for extreme cases - such as having a brain surgery, having a serious car crash, etc. 

So at the core, almost all of us has the "same" stuttering.

Types of physical struggles might be different. 

The severity of stuttering might be different. 

The way each of us feel might be different.

...but the core is almost always THE SAME!

Let me explain...

The core cause of stuttering behavior is simple:

It's the UNCERTAINTY that we can speak smoothly and fluently without any speech blocks or repetitions.

Think about how our stuttering happens...

First, something psychological happens (your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc.) 

Then, this psychological thing triggers the physical stuttering behavior which causes you to have physical speech struggles such as speech blocks and repetitions.

The cycle is that simple. 

Our psychological state triggers our physical stuttering behavior...

And the next thing you know, we got stuck on a word, then on another ...and another...

You know how it goes.... downhill!

Then those physical blocks make us FEEL awful.

We go through a bunch of negative thoughts and emotions.

Unfortunately we don't stop there. 

We are NOT DONE hammering ourselves and our self-worth yet. 

We start forming limiting beliefs

Our inner self talk just keeps messing us up.

And we form "AN IDENTITY".

I am a stutterer who: 

- can't speak and express himself like others
- has no value
- people feel sorry about
- is less than others
- doesn't deserve good things in life
- can't achieve his goals in life
- will never be liked and respected

The list goes on and on...


Let me give you an example about this whole cycle:

Lets imagine you are in a meeting room(first meeting) and people are expected to introduce themselves one by one.

It's almost your turn.

You start thinking like: 

"Oh my God, it's getting closer to my turn. I have to say my name now. But I always have trouble saying my name. I get stuck on the C sound. What if it happens again? What if block? What will they think about me?"

That is the PSYCHOLOGICAL state you put yourself in through your thoughts, perceptions and emotions.

Then it's your turn. You start saying your name. 

...and boom! you BLOCK on it!

People look at you in the eye wondering what's going on. 

Oh man you keep blocking and those looks starts to change. They get uncomfortable. That feels like hours! 

That is your PHYSICAL stuttering behavior triggered by your psychological state

And then negative emotions and self limiting beliefs starts to form.

-> I am worthless.

-> I can't even say my name.

-> Now they don't see me as a competition

-> People in the meeting room will tell about this to everyone at work

-> They'll laugh at me and talk behind my back

-> Why can't I do something people can do without even thinking about it?

-> Why this happened to me and not my other friends? Why God chose me? Why me? WHY WHY WHY?

-Frustration, anger, sadness, shame, crush of self confidence and self worth.

Those leads to our beliefs, decisions and choices in life.

And we become a "slave" of our stuttering!

That's how stuttering happens. And how it actually ruins our life.

...when it is just something we do - and definitely NOT WHO WE ARE!


But do you realize how we create most of the above?

Except the physical blocks, we actually have control over everything I mentioned above!

That's what I call the inner game of stuttering. 

But lets say we win the inner game of stuttering. How about the physical speech struggles and blocks?

How do we control those?

And that's what I call the outer game of stuttering. 

When you learn to play both of those games in order to WIN and NOT "not to lose", 

...then anyone can overcome stuttering ( YOU included Friend!)


If you like to learn how to win the mysterious game of stuttering, I'd suggest you to check out SDMP first

I shared EVERYTHING I know about how to overcome stuttering in there. 


Hope this email gives you a different perspective

I hope it at least helps you to start questioning some things around your speech.

And I sure hope it makes you realize that your stuttering is NOT different than thousands of other people who were able to overcome stuttering!

Wishing you a great week Friend. 


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