[Live Webinar] Ask Me Anything on Sunday! (OPEN)

June 15th, 2013 at 11:50 am EEST

Hey Friend,

Sorry for this last minute announcement,
but there is something important I want to
let you know about.

I'm organizing a LIVE WEBINAR on
Sunday! (June 16)

This will be a LIVE SESSION which you will
be able to ask me any questions you like
on stuttering during the live webinar.

You'll just type your question and I'll answer all
those questions on video...and you'll be able
to watch it live on my website.

All you need to do for it is to register
by clicking here and be there on Sunday.

When you register, I'll send you an email
right before the session with the webinar link.

I wanted to choose a time which will work for
most countries so I decided on 12PM Eastern Time
on Sunday. I believe that is 5PM UK, 9:30PM India,etc.

Looking forward to see you there.

All the best,


P.S: This is me "testing the new technology" while
answering your questions. Training webinars with successful
stutterers will be starting next week. All those webinars will be a lot of fun and help!
Go ahead, register the first one and ask me any question you like live on the webinar.
See you there!