Is shyness holding you back?

July 1st, 2011 at 1:24 pm EEST

Hi Friend,

Picture this. You arrive at a party or social gathering.
When you walk in the room, EVERYONE stops and
stares for a second. You are the center of attention.

It feels like you have that MAGNETIC energy.
Everyone wants to be your friend and be a part
of YOUR life. You are attractive, confident and respectful.

People think highly about you, they see you as a role model.
Everyone likes and respects you... well some may even jealous of you:)

OK, where am I going with this?

I recently came across with this website and read great reviews
about it.

It is about how to overcome shyness and
become the life of the party.

To be honest, it is interesting.

It's called Extrovert Me!

Click here to take a look at it.

Talk soon,


P.S: I know I haven't had time to write you frequently in this past month.
But I am working on a new project which I am confident you'll love!
Stay tuned... and just thank me later :)