IMPORTANT reminder !

December 24th, 2010 at 9:42 am EEST

I just wanted to give you a quick reminder in case you missed my
previous email  (about ridiculously low cost SDMP offer if you really
want to do something about your speech today).

First of all, glad to see there are some powerful “action takers” in
our list. You did the right thing. If it helps, great, if it doesn’t you have
nothing to lose and 60 days to decide;)

For those who are still undecided;
I think you mainly have 2 questions which I need to answer.

1- What will happen if you do not invest in the product?
2- What will happen if you do invest in the product?

Lets start with the first question.

If you do not, most probably nothing bad will happen.
Your tomorrow will be just like your yesterday and today.
In fact, if you are satisfied with the current level of your speech,
your speech is not an issue in your life at all and you believe
you are living a fulfilled life despite your stuttering, then I would
suggest you not to invest on the product. I am serious. Do not
invest on it if your speech and stuttering has no negative impact on
your life.

Now, if you do invest in it, there is a high probability that your past
is not going to be equal to your future. It’ll be a step to change
everything for better. There is a huge chance that as a result of
taking this initial step, not only your speech but also your whole life
will change beyond your wildest imagination.

Anyways, I don’t want to take more of your time. If you are interested,
feel free to visit the link below and start changing everything for BETTER.

But, as I said several times before, you need to take immediate action
now before it is too late. Since I have no control over the price changes
and it is done by a prestigious company I won't be able to bring the price
back to its current level ever again!

Access now while it is still available... and depending on the time you read
this email the funny price of $48 might not be available anymore.

Here is a list which summarizes some of the points you are going to learn
by accessing this complete package.

A sample of great things you’ll learn are:

>>> #1 biggest mistake stutterers make that sets them up for
disappointment... and cause them lose their chance to overcome
stuttering right in the beginning – pg. 33

>>> I've tried every 'stuttering solution' out there, and I found out
something that I didn't expect in a million years. In Chapter 5 I'll
explain to you why almost all those 'stuttering solutions' cause you
to lose before you begin, and what to do instead to be able to
succeed in overcoming stuttering effectively, permanently and in a FUN way!

>>> The simple thing you can do during a conversation that leaves
your listener smell your total confidence… and… gets him/her think
that your speech is not your weakness but one of your strongest features!
This is very easy to do, yet what you obtain as a result is HUGE – pg. 75

>>> The thing almost all out of control stutterers do to try to look “cool”
and gain respect of others that actually repels “others”… and often makes
them think twice as negative about you – pg. 49     

>>> An unconscious strategy 99% of stutterers use in almost all speaking
situations thinking it’s helping them, where in reality it is causing you to go
through twice as bad emotional pain. One simple change… and all those
negative emotions will replace with extremely positive ones – pg. 51     

>>> Numerous proven exercises to develop a stone-cold,
unshakable inner confidence that allows you to speak anybody
in any situation without getting nervous and without the fear of
being judged – chp. 8     

>>> Various psychological tactics stutterers can use to make anybody
choose them over a “fluent” person (you can use these during job interviews,
social interactions, sales, convincing, debating and in a lot more
other areas) – chp. 7     

>>> 12 things you can do to dramatically improve your skill in setting goals
and achieving them (The best part is they are very simple to apply… yet people
avoid taking those simple steps…as a result they ruin all their chances to succeed
anything in life including overcoming stuttering) – pgs. 78 – 82     

>>> How to finally get rid of negative programming, self limiting beliefs and false
perceptions that have been sabotaging your success in overcoming stuttering
your entire life – chp. 7     

>>> I read all the books, tried fluency techniques, went to various speech therapies,
and tried almost everything possible you can think of. It wasn't until I did THIS
ONE THING that it all started to happen for me. On pages 33&34 I'll share the
single most powerful thing you can do to become successful in dissolving your stuttering.     

>>> One critical step of your dissolution process which if you miss to follow you’ll lose
all the positive things you’ve gained – pg. 47     

>>> A step-by-step routine you can follow that instantly sets you up
for success – pgs. 95 – 96     

>>> The 16 personality traits that draw your speaking goals and dreams to you
like a magnet – pgs. 97-98     

>>> Create two simple boards the way I explain it to you in Stuttering Dissolution… and
those two simple boards will both ATTRACT success to you and will MULTIPLY
your MOTIVATION. Those two boards will be your secret weapons to motivate
yourself to the fullest to turn your goals and dreams into reality! – pg. 79     

>>> Think about any challenging situation. Now, think about how would it feel like to
overcome your speaking challenges knowingly, effectively and permanently. How would
you feel if I tell you that I’ll show you a model which will lead you to manage those
challenges effectively and dissolve your stuttering in a strategic way?!
Get your hands on this model and you can repeatedly use it to challenge any limiting belief
around your stuttering. Without this step-by-step model, overcoming stuttering would probably
be as confusing as hell. – chp. 6      

>>> The truth behind the fact that traditional speech therapy has been unsuccessful in meeting
our expectations. Know this and you’ll overcome stuttering a lot sooner than you think. Don’t
know this and it’ll cost you years. I am guilty of that so I don’t want you to do the
same mistake I did. – chp. 5     

>>> The step-by-step strategy for you to follow and break free from stuttering mindset. – chp. 6     

>>> The revealing secret about why fluency is the WORST goal you can ever set for yourself and
how you can reach fluency by not even aiming for it. This would definitely accelerate your
stuttering dissolution process. – pg. 67     

>>> One simple mental technique that will create an environment for you which would
be IMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL! – pg. 66     

>>> How to be your best friend and not your worst enemy. It sounds easy but
99% of stutterers fail in achieving this. We’ll make sure you will be
in the 1% category. – pg. 58     

>>> How to turn your so called “weaknesses” into your high value skills INSTANTLY. – pg. 52     

>>> Strategies of turning all negative feelings stuttering causes to you into powerful positive
feelings INSTANTLY by taking action on pre-planned action steps. – pgs. 51-52     

>>> The one single easiest thing you can do which will take all the burden on your
shoulders and make you feel relieved! – pg. 49     

>>> You’ll discover the role of physical technique in recovery and whether it is a
mandatory component of recovery or not. Use it with the right mentality and it is
one of the most effective tools in your recovery, otherwise it’ll make the journey
impossible for you. – chp. 5     

>>> The exact physical technique I used throughout my stuttering dissolution journey
that produced me great results and gave me the confidence to face my fears, expand my
comfort zones, challenge my limiting beliefs… and also enabled me to say what I want to
say when I want to say it the way I want to say it in every situation. You’ll watch the video
presentation of me going through the technique at the comfort of your own house. – Physical Technique Video     

>>> The number one lesson I’ve learned the hard way which took me YEARS to figure out… but
once I figured this out it took me a matter of just hours to turn the EMOTIONAL PAIN into a

>>> A step-by-step process which will get you define where you are now and guide you to reach your
speaking and life goals effectively. – chp. 10     

>>> A 3-phase model I came up with which will enable you to dissolve your stuttering, achieve
your speaking goals and live a fully expressive life. – chp. 6     

>>> A 7-step cycle you can follow to break free from the building blocks of your stuttering and
produce concrete, real life results.(Hint: I call this “7-Step Dissolution Cycle” ) – chp. 6     

>>> 21 MANDATORY COMPONENTS OF RECOVERY which you cannot afford to miss.
If you don’t address these areas, even the “perfect technique” will not get you anywhere and you’ll
get stuck in the “didn’t work/last again routine”. Missaddressing any one of these and your results
will be temporary, if any! – chp. 7     

>>> 13 surefire ways of building self confidence FAST! We all know the importance and impact of
self-confidence on our speech. I don’t think any stutterer would miss taking this chance to learn
how to become totally self confident… so why should you?! – chp. 8     

>>> Self-confidence building techniques and exercises which will lead you build self-confidence to
speak the way you choose to speak in every situation! – chp. 8     

>>> The effective way of setting goals which will lead you to get concrete results
in REAL LIFE SITUATIONS! – chp. 9     

>>> 12 critical factors which if known and applied effectively will make goal setting and
achieving process a repetitive success story in anything you put your mind into! – chp. 9     

>>> 3 exercises on knowing and understanding yourself so you can plan accordingly. You
will be able to give a definite and clear answer of who you really are! A lot of people
have no idea about this. However, any change starts with this step and missing it would
simply mean ‘unsuccessfull change”  – pgs. 86-87-88     

>>> Two aspects of the change process that if you don’t know will make any change impossible.
On the other hand, learn those 2 aspects and you’ll make any change possible…surely and permanently! – pg. 90     

>>> 7-step process which will enable you to solve ANY problem effectively and permanently
in a SHORT TIME. – pg. 93-94     

>>> The right questions to ask yourself and solve ANY problem instantly! – pg. 93     

>>> Discover the step-by-step roadmap to ANY SUCCESS. Know and apply this
strategy to any challenge in life and success will be your closest friend. Yes, to your
stuttering challenge as well! – pgs. 95-96     

>>> The revealing secrets of becoming a winner. Model this mentality and become a winner
in all aspects of your life. You’ll not only be able to turn yourself into a winner but also you’ll
spot any loser or winner as soon as you meet them…Signs you’ll grap instantly! – pgs. 97-98     

>>> Hundreds of recommendations on your stutterng dissolution process. Figuring out all
those took me years but now they are compiled, summarized, organized and served you
at the comfort of your house. These are pure GOLD! These are PRICELESS. These are
the outcome of years of real life experiences, learnings, observations and coaching. They are
a condensed summary of all the things I and other hundreds of stutterers I know have
experienced and learned regarding to the stuttering dissolution journey. Know and apply
those and the rest will just follow and flow with no resistance.These are your secret weapons,
your shortcut to reach your speaking goals! – chp. 15     

>>> One very effective game which will minimize procrastination and will lead you to
take action with almost no resistance at all. – pg. 81     

>>> One single fact you need to know about stuttering which is unknown by 99% of
the community. This will make ALL the difference and will change everything in what
you can achieve! - pg. 67     

>>> How to disarm any feared word or situation... and reach a point where you can
say anything you want anytime you want the way you want it – pg. 51-52     

>>> One personality characteristic you need to develop to be able to avoid
being manipulated by others. Creating this balance is very critical. If you don’t
get this characteristic of yourself handled, you’ll have to live in the shadow of
others’ needs. – pg. 54     

>>> Learn how to manage and enjoy the uncomfortable feeling of change.
If you don’t master this, turning any change into success will almost be impossible. – pg. 55     

>>> How I challenged the fear of answering phone calls in a hilarious way. I still
laugh at this till this day.  This sneaky plan of mine took the fear of answering calls
and annihilate it! of all it took me only a day to plan and put this in action!
You can take this example, modify it and use it for your feared situation... saying
bye to your fears can’t be this fun! You’ll seek for feared situations to repeat the fun – pg. 57     

>>> Do you continuously worry about what other people may think about you? Get ready
to reconsider your worry once you learned this one simple fact!  – pg. 58     

>>> One mandatory “thing” you’ll be needing besides yourself to be able to overcome
stuttering. This other “thing” is as important as you as a part of your stuttering dissolution process – pg. 61     

>>> A simple six sided shape which will totally explain you all the “why” questions you have
about stuttering – pgs. 62-63     

>>> There are these simple but very critical questions to ask yourself before you do anything about your
speech. If you miss to start by verifying this step, you may end up wondering why you couldn’t make it
happen even though you did everything the right(!) way – pg. 65     

>>> You’ll discover the REAL MEANING of failure and recovery. If you understand and master
in approaching these two areas of your stuttering dissolution process then you’ll always be one step ahead
of your stuttering – pgs. 67-68     

>>> And much, much, much more...

If you think even a couple of those above points would make GREAT CHANGES in your life then
take action now before the offer ends.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

All the best,
