I have a hunch that you'll LOVE this email

January 13th, 2011 at 10:15 pm EEST

Guess what I am going to announce in this email?

...something you sure wouldn't hate.

...something which has been created for YOU.

...something which I believe will add a HUGE VALUE to your stuttering
dissolution journey/process.

Chazzler, stop beating around the bush and GET TO THE POINT :)

I am happy to announce that...

We (you, me and the whole Stuttering Dissolution community) now have a NEW
PLATFORM where you'll be able to access the LATEST materials (articles,
audios, videos, etc.), be able to make comments, ask questions and will easily find
almost anything and everything you'll ever need about stuttering and the right way to
overcome it.

Stuttering Dissolution Blog

I'll keep the blog updated so you can highly benefit from the materials I'm going
to share with you on there.

I am very EXCITED because this will be both FUN, HELPFUL and EFFECTIVE.

Stuttering Dissolution Blog

I'll meet you there;)

Your friend,


P.S: your feedback is important to me so let me know what you think about
the site.