I am bringing JOHN HARRISON to your house :)

October 24th, 2013 at 10:50 am EEST

Hey Friend,

Great news!

Here is what it is...

We are doing a live Q&A webinar
with John Harrison on Sunday!

As you most probably know, John
Harrison is one of the greatest minds
in stuttering community.

I believe there are a lot you can learn from
him too, so I decided to organize this special
webinar for you for free!...and he kindly agreed
to join us live.

You can learn more about the event and register for the
live webinar by clicking here.

I hope you don't miss this great chance of
meeting John Harrison live and picking his brain
when it comes to stuttering&stammering.

I'm looking forward to see you there. It's going to be fun:)

All the best.

P.S: John Harrison is the creator of "Hexagon" and
I can honestly say he is one of the most influential
people in my own stuttering dissolution journey! Hope
you don't miss it. All you need to do is: click here and register for the Sunday's
live webinar.
See you there...
