How To Improve Your Self Confidence By Using Your Body Correctly!

June 3rd, 2013 at 6:00 pm EEST

Hi Friend,

I just uploaded a new video and
blog post, which I think you'll find

Stuttering Help – How To Improve Your
Self Confidence By Using Your Body Correctly!

We all know that confidence plays a HUGE role
when it comes to our speech and to our “good buddy”

Let me ask you this…

Do you speak more fluently and smoothly when
you feel more confident?

That was exactly the case in my situation.

The level of self confidence I was feeling was
directly reflecting to my speech fluency in any
specific speaking situation.

But I just wasn’t confident enough and I didn’t
know what to do about it.

Throughout my stuttering dissolution journey,
I found out that there are many ways to improve
one’s self confidence.

…and one of those ways (and probably the easiest one
to apply) is to use your body correctly…in other words,
effective body language!


This video explains it.

Hope you find it helpful.

All the best,


P.S: I listened this talk a while ago and even though
it is not directly related to stuttering, I think there are
a lot of tips in this video which applies to stuttering and
stammering. Watch it now by clicking here!