How The Pain of Stuttering Changed My Life... And May Help Change Yours Too! (True Story)

December 9th, 2014 at 6:55 pm EEST

True story that changed my life… which may help
change YOUR LIFE too.


You can read it on my new blog post by clicking here.

It was a rainy day in Florida. It was a BIG DAY for me.

I left my country(Cyprus) and had moved all the way
to the other side of the world (USA) to study.

I left everything and everyone behind… my family,
my friends, my home.

It was both an exciting and a sad feeling. Oh a bit scary
too…especially considering the fact that I was a SEVERE STUTTERER!

Click here and enjoy the rest of the story on my new blog post.

All the best,


P.S: There are A LOT any PWS can learn from this story, but
if you are or would like to be an entrepreneur and start your own
business no matter what others think of your speech, then this is
a MUST READ blog post. You can read it by clicking here.
